Electric Current


Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Electric Current

In this chapter, we will learn about electric current, potential difference and Ohm's law. It highlights the factors that affect the resistance of a material. It also discusses Kirchhoff's laws, electric circuits and power.

Practice Other Topics from Electric Current

This topic explains electric current and current density. Positive and negative charges and units of electric current are also described here.

Science>Physics>Electric Current>Potential Difference and EMF

This topic characterizes the direction of the electric field with diagrams. Moreover, it explains the difference between the potential difference and EMF. The Ohm's law and its limitations are also discussed here.

In this topic, we will learn that in Ohm’s law the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference at its ends. The constant of proportionality is called resistance. Variable resistance is used to regulate current without changing voltage.

Science>Physics>Electric Current>Resistance and Resistivity

In this topic, we will learn about electric shock and the method of resistivity from resistance with the aid of a diagram. Further, it also demonstrates the factors affecting the resistance of material through activities.

Science>Physics>Electric Current>Electric Circuits

Through this topic, we will study the flow of currents in the generator or wall socket with a diagram. It also demonstrates the types of circuit connections with examples.

Science>Physics>Electric Current>Combination of Resistors

In this topic, we will focus on the combination of resistors with activities. It also describes the arrangement of the resistor in parallel and continuous form with the aid of examples and diagrams mentioned here.

This topic encompasses the vision of Kirchoff's law for DC and the law of conservation of energy. It also demonstrates the activities and examples based on junction law and loop law with the diagram.

Science>Physics>Electric Current>Electric Energy and Power

The topic elaborates on the production of electric energy used in our daily lives. It comprises various equations and formulas based on the gain or loss of energy. It also illustrates the method to prevent the damage from overloading.