Practice Other Chapters from Unit
In this chapter, we will learn about food components. It will explain to us the essential components of food and the sources of roughages. Water as an essential component and a balanced diet is also discussed here.

This chapter will shed light on acids and bases. Indicators are explained that tell about the acidic and basic nature of a substance. Students will learn about acid rains and the nature of salts. The fertility of land and manures are also discussed.

In this chapter, we will learn about the benefits of animal fibre. Fibres that we get from animals like silk and wool are explained. The process of making wool and silk from these fibres are discussed in detail here.

In this chapter, students will learn about motion and time. They will be able to learn about Uniform and non-uniform motion. Different types of motion, time, and speed are explained here. Units of speed and time are also learned in detail.

This chapter will shed light on the temperature and its measurements. Heat and temperature and the measurement of temperature are explained. We will learn the usage of the thermometer and the difference between clinical and laboratory thermometer.

In this chapter, students will study weather and climate. Measuring components of weather, climate, and how the lifestyle affected by climate is explained. They will also learn about the cycle of weather conditions throughout the year.

This chapter discusses electricity and its effect. Symbols of electric components, circuit diagrams, and connecting electrical cells in series are explained. The heating effects of electric current and fuses are also discussed.

In this chapter, students will study air, winds, and cyclones. They will know about the uneven heating between the equator and the poles. Cyclones, factors contributing to them, and precautions taken during cyclones are also explained.

This chapter will shed light on the reflection of light. Reflection of light after striking an object, its laws, and forming an image in a mirror are explained here. Multiple reflections and spherical mirrors are also taught.

This chapter explains the nutrition in plants. The Source of water to the plants, exchange of air, and the absence of light are explained here. Students will also learn about the plants that grow on dead and decaying matter.

This chapter highlights the process of respiration in organisms. Exercise and breathing in human beings and components of breath are described here. It explains breathing in frogs, cockroaches, and earthworms. It also discusses respiration in plants.

This chapter will shed light on the process of reproduction in plants. Complete, incomplete, unisexual, and bisexual flowers are explained. Sexual parts of the flower, agents to develop the flower's ovary into fruit are also learned by the students.

This chapter enlightens the students on seed dispersal. The reasons for the dispersal of seeds and their agents are explained here. Why plants produce a large number of seeds are also discussed here in detail.

This chapter will talk about the scarcity of water. Sources of water on earth, inorganic impurities, and organic impurities in water are explained here. Processes of wastewater treatment plants, diseases by water, and conservation of water are discussed.

In this chapter, the students will learn about soil. They will come to know about the usefulness of soil, its role in human beings life, and soil chart. Various types of soil, its horizons, and also its conservation are discussed here.

This chapter discusses forests. We will learn what forests are in detail. The diversity in forests, how to take care of them and save them from destruction is explained here. Steps taken for the conservation of forest are also briefed here.

This chapter will shed light on the changes all around us. Physical and chemical changes in our daily life are explained here. Rusting of iron, galvanisation, and crystallisation are described to the students.