• Written By Alice_J
  • Last Modified 20-06-2023

Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 Chapter


Reading old textbooks to grasp the chapters might be exhausting. Why not experiment with different approaches to learning? More learning strategies and methods exist with technological improvements in the educational field. It is no longer necessary to rush to your teacher to learn chapters. In this new era, you can learn from the comfort of your own home using learning tools like Embibe.

Embibe uses AI technology to support students in comprehending complicated chapters. You can watch short videos on any chapter in the app. The videos are straightforward and utilise 3D animation to explain the chapters. It also includes real-life examples to help you relate to the chapters. You can also use the practice questions to help you better understand the chapters.

Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 Important Chapters

You must be familiar with the Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 major chapters. By knowing which chapters are significant, you will understand which chapters require more attention and which require less. You can plan and prioritise the chapter accordingly to minimise time wastage. Please utilise the following chapter explanation from the article:

12th Himachal Pradesh Board Chapters for Physics

Here are the 12th Himachal Pradesh Board Chapters for Physics:

Chapter No.Chapters
Electric Charges and Fields
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Current Electricity
Moving Charges and Magnetism
Magnetism and Matter
Electromagnetic Induction
Alternating Current
Electromagnetic Waves
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Wave Optics

12th Himachal Pradesh Board Chapters for Chemistry 

Below are the 12th Himachal Pradesh Board Chapters for Chemistry 

Chapter No.Chapters
1.The Solid State
4.Chemical Kinetics
5.Surface Chemistry
6.General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements (Metallurgy)
7.The p-Block Elements
8.The d- and f-Block Elements
9.Coordination Compounds
10.Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
11.Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
12.Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
16.Chemistry in Everyday Life

12th Himachal Pradesh Board Chapters for Biology 

Read the 12th Himachal Pradesh Board Chapters for Biology from the table below:

Chapter No.Chapters
1.Reproduction in Organisms
2.Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
3.Human Reproduction
4.Reproductive Health
5.Principles of Inheritance and Variation
6.Molecular Basis of Inheritance
8.Human Health and Disease
9.Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
10.Microbes in Human Welfare
11.Biotechnology – Principles and Processes
12.Biotechnology and its Applications
13.Organisms and Populations
15.Biodiversity and Conservation
16.Environmental Issues

12th Himachal Pradesh Board Chapters for Mathematics

Learn all the 12th Himachal Pradesh Board Chapters for Mathematics

Chapter No.Chapters
1.Relations and Functions
4.Linear Programming
6.Inverse Trigonometric Functions
7.Continuity and Differentiability
8.Application of Derivatives
10.Application of Integrals
11.Differential Equations
12.Vector Algebra
13.Three-Dimensional Geometry

FAQs on Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 Chapters

The most frequently asked questions about the Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 chapters are listed below.

Where can I obtain chapters for the 12th Himachal Pradesh Board?

The 12th Himachal Pradesh Board chapters are available on Embibe.

How can Embibe’s Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 chapters help in the exam?

The Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 chapters on Embibe provide complete explanations with real-life examples. You can learn chapters through 3D videos and examples.

Are Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 chapters explanations at Embibe?

Yes, explanations for Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 chapters are at Embibe.

Should I cover all the chapters for the exam? 

Students must go through all the chapters for the exam. Skipping chapters are too risky as questions can come from them. 

Do we have to read Inverse Trigonometric Functions for the Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 exam? 

Students must read Inverse Trigonometric Functions for the Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 exam.

We hope this article on Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 chapters 2023 has helped you. If you have any doubts or queries, feel to contact us by downloading our app, and we will be happy to get back to you.

Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest updates on Himachal Pradesh Board Class 12 2023.

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