Conversion of Percentages: Conversion Method & Examples
Conversion of Percentages: To differentiate and explain the size of quantities, the terms fractions and percent are used interchangeably. Some may find it difficult to do Conversion of Percentages to fractions and vice versa, although it is a straightforward, two-step process. We have provided the complete details of Percentage Conversion on this page.
A percentage is a value or ratio that can be represented as a fraction of 100 in mathematics. If we need to compute the percentage of a number, we need to divide it by the whole and multiply by 100. Scroll down to read about concepts on percentage conversions.
What is Percentage?
A percentage is a fraction or a ratio in which the whole value is always 100. The term “percentage” comes from the Latin word “per centum,” which means “by the hundred.”
The percentage formula is used to calculate a percentage of a whole in terms of 100. You can use this formula to express a number as a fraction of 100. You can easily calculate the percentage using the formula below:
Percentage= (Value/Total Value)×100
Steps for Percentage Conversion of a Number
We must use a different formula to determine the percentage of a number, such as:
P% of Number = X where X is the required percentage.
If we eliminate the percentage sign, the following formulas must be expressed:
P/100 * Number = X
How to Convert Percent to Fraction?
Converting a percentage to a fraction is a simple process. All you have to do is follow the procedures mentioned below:
Remove the percentage symbol (%) from the provided number.
Make the number in the numerator and the denominator form. The denominator should be 100.
If possible, simplify the fraction in its lowest form.
Let us also solve some examples using the steps mentioned above:
Example 1: Convert 11% to a fraction.
Remove the percentage sign (%) and divide the number by 100. 11% = 11÷100 = 11/100 This cannot be further simplified and so, the answer is 11/100.
Example 2: Convert 2.0% to a fraction.
Take out the percentage sign (%). The specified % is a decimal number in this example. We just repeat the processes, but now count the number of decimal places and multiply by 100 in powers of 10. 0 has 1 decimal place, therefore the power of 10 will be 10^1. Divide the product of 100 and 10^1 and take the number as a whole number.
= 20/ (100 x 10^1) = 20/1000 The fraction can be reduced to its simplest form: 20/1000 = 1/ 50. Therefore, 2.0% = 1/50.
Example 3: Convert 0.002% to a fraction.
Remove the percentage sign (%) Count out the number of decimal places in the given number. In this case, 0.002 has 3 decimal places. Write the number as a whole number and divide by the product of 100 and 10^3 = 2/ (100 x 10^3) = 2/100000 Reduce the fraction: 2/100000 = 1/50000 Therefore, 0.002% = 1/50000.
How to Convert Fraction to Percent?
To convert a fraction to a percentage, simply follow the two simple procedures below:
To begin, convert the mentioned fraction to decimal form. To divide the numerator by the denominator, use the long division method. Multiply the decimal result by 100. It should be remembered that the result is written after the percentage symbol (%).
Let’s tackle a few problems using the aforementioned methods to better understand the approach:
Example: Convert 5/8 to a percent.
To start, convert the fraction 5/8 to decimal. Divide the numerator by the denominator: 5 ÷ 8 = 0.625 Multiply the decimal by 100 and express the result with a percentage sign: 0.625 x 100 = 62.5% Therefore, 5/8 = 62.5%
Percentage Conversion Chart
For fractions converted to percentages, see the percentage chart:
We hope this article on Conversion of Percentageshelps you. If you have any academic queries, do reach out to us. You can write us a mail at [email protected] or call 18002572961 (Toll-Free). We will be happy to help you.
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