ISRO Admit Card 2022: The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) conducts recruitment exams on regular basis to recruit Scientists/ Engineers, Technicians, Technical Assistants and various other posts in the organization. To appear for all of the ISRO exams, candidates are required to carry their ISRO Admit Card which is issued around 10-15 days before the exam. Candidates who have registered for the exam will receive ISRO Admit Card in their e-mail inbox on their registered email ID.
ISRO admit card can be downloaded via email and printed out prior to the exam. In case any candidates have not received any e-mail regarding the admit card from ISRO, they can check their application status on the official website by logging in using their Registration number and Date of Birth. Scroll down to know more about the ISRO Admit Card, the steps to download, and many more.
ISRO Admit Card 2022
It is mandatory for all successful applicants to carry their admit cards to the exam centre. Without a valid admit card, candidates will not be allowed to take the test or interview. The admit cards will be sent to the email address provided for recruitment for most of the posts. If applicants didn’t receive any mail regarding the admit card for the recruitment to any post, then the admit card can be accessed from the official website.
ISRO will undertake an initial screening of all ISRO application forms submitted and issue the ISRO admit cards to individuals who match the ISRO eligibility requirements for the position. Candidates must log in to their account using their Registration number and Date of Birth to get the admit cards on the official website.
How To Download ISRO Admit Card?
The steps to download the ISRO exam call letter or admit card are as follows:
– 1st Step: Visit the ISRO official website –
– 2nd Step: Scroll down and click on “Careers”.
– 3rd Step: Check the Post-Wise Link and click on the respective Exam Admit Card link that you have applied for.
– 4th Step: Enter your Registration Number and Date of Birth and click on the Download Hall Ticket button.
– 5th Step: Your Admit Card will be displayed on the screen. Save it as a PDF and take printouts of the same.
The ISRO Admit Card will contain all the important details regarding the candidate such as the registration number and other personal details, and details regarding the time and venue of the examination. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions written on the admit card thoroughly and check the admit card to ensure the correctness of the basic details mentioned in it. The following details will be mentioned on the ISRO Admit Card 2022:
Candidate’s Name
Advt. Number
Post Name
Registration Number/ Roll Number
Date Of Written Test
Name Of Written Test
Reporting Time
Exam Centre Name and Address
Written Test Centre Code
Important Instructions
Important Points About ISRO Admit Card
Here are a few important points to note:
Candidates must carry a hard copy of the admit card along with a valid photo ID proof to the exam hall.
Candidates must verify the details mentioned on the ISRO hall ticket. They must report to the officials in case of a discrepancy.
The candidate must read the instructions mentioned on the admit card carefully and abide by them.
The candidate must preserve the admit card even after the completion of the test
ISRO Contact Details
Candidates will have to contact the exam conducting authority in case of any mismatch in the details mentioned on the admit card. ISRO recruitment contact details for any query pertaining to recruitment by ISRO HQ are as follows:
ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB)
Address: Senior Administrative Officer, ISRO Hqs Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road Bengaluru – 560 094 Phone: +91 80 22172465 or 22172264 or 22172260 Email:[email protected]
Q.1: Where will I get the ISRO Technical Assistant Call Letter? Ans: You can get the ISRO Technical Assistant Call Letter in your personal e-mail ID.
Q.2: I have not received any mail regarding the ISRO Call Letter. What should I do? Ans: You can go to the official website of ISRO and login to the website and check the status of your application. To know more on how to download check this article.
Q.3: Should I take a printout of my ISRO Call Letter? Ans: Yes, you must take a printout of your call letter and carry it to the exam hall without fail.
Q.4: Will, I get the hall ticket/ call letter along with my photo? Ans: No, you must affix your passport size photo to your downloaded hall ticket and carry the same to the examination centre.
Q.5: What should I do if there is any misinformation in my call letter/ hall ticket? Ans: If there is any misinformation in the call letter/ hall ticket you must contact the officials immediately and the contact details are given in this article.
We have now provided you with all the details on ISRO Admit Card 2021. Candidates must download their admit cards at the earliest to avoid the last-minute rush. As the ISRO exam is approaching, candidates need to gear up their ISRO preparation with the knowledge of the ISRO Exam Pattern and ISRO Syllabus.
We hope this article on ISRO Admit Card helps you. If you have any questions, feel to post them in the comment section below. We will get back to you at the earliest.