• Written By Vaibhav_Raj_Asthana
  • Last Modified 25-01-2023

Value of Root 5: How to Find?


The square root of a number is when multiplied by itself, it gives the original number. Root 5 Value or sqrt 5 value or √5 value is 2.2360. As 5 is not a perfect square, the square root can be calculated using the long division method. 

The square root or root of a number “n” is a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the number “n.” For instance, the value of root 16 is 4 since 4 x 4 = 16, and it is the perfect square. This article let us study more about √5 values with practice questions.

Square Root of 5

Knowing the value of under root 5 is very easy nowadays as you can simply google the result. But it is more important to know the concept behind the calculation of √5.

Since 5 is not a perfect square number, therefore, calculating the value of √5 becomes a bit complicated as compared to numbers that are a perfect square.

Calculating the under root value Perfect square numbers like 4, 9, 16, 25, 36……. is easy as they can be obtained by multiplying the same number by itself. Example √4 = √(2 x 2) = 2. But for numbers like √5, √7, 4√5 it takes some calculation or to be specific the long division method.

How to Find Square Root of 5 By Division Method?

This is the best and the most appropriate method to find the square root of any number except using a calculator. Just follow the steps and see for yourself.

  • 1st Step: Write 5 as 5.000000000 i.e. 5. 00 00 00 00 and put a bar over each pair of digits starting from one’s place. If the number of digits in it is odd, then the left-most single digit too will have a bar.
  • 2nd Step: Now check for the largest number whose square is  the number under the extreme left bar. Take the no. as the new divisor and the quotient with the number that is under the extreme left as the dividend and Divide to get the next remainder.
  • 3rd Step: Bring down the number under the next bar to the right of the remainder.
  • 4th Step: Double the quotient and enter it with a blank on its right.
  • 5th Step: Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 till the remainder is 0 or is repetitive.
  • 6th Step: The quotient will be the square root value

Question on Square Root of 5

Some of these questions might be asked in your exams.

Q1. Explain how many square roots a positive number can have. How are these square roots different?
Q2. Which type of number has an exact square root?
Q3. Which type of number has an approximate square root value?
Q4. By long division method find the value of sqrt 7
Q5. Which of the following is the square of an odd number?
(a) 256 (b) 361 (c) 144 (d) 400
Q6. Find the value of √5 + √7 + 4√5.

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Here are some relevant questions on the topic:

Q. What is the value of the square root of 5?
 Square root 5 equals 2.2360.
Q. How can I find the value of using long division method?
 The steps to find sqrt 5 value using the long division method are mentioned on this page in detail.
Q. Why is √ 5 a rational number?
 It is rational as after the decimal point the number does not tend toward infinity.

So now we have reached the end of our article, we hope the information provided on this page answers all your queries. However, if you have further questions feel to use the comments section and we will provide you with an update.

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