• Written By tanushree
  • Last Modified 17-10-2024

Uttar Pradesh Board Class 11 Topics 2025


Do you also wait before every exam when the teacher tells you what topics you should study more? Knowing the topics is always helpful when preparing for your exams. But wouldn’t it be great if you could get all the topics written in one place so that you could refer to them whenever you want? Embibe has made things easier for you and has curated a list of all the topics of Uttar Pradesh Board Class 11. You can refer to it at your own convenience and save time. 

Not just this, Embibe also has more than 15 books and 300+ 3D videos so that you can have a thorough understanding of the topics. With Embibe, you can learn in an engaging way and understand concepts with the help of real-world examples. The live chat feature on Embibe provides solutions to your doubts within seconds. You can access all of this and more for on Embibe.

Uttar Pradesh Board Class 11 Subject-wise Topics

To get better scores in your Class 11 exams, you need to have a focused mind and the right resources. But with the increasing pressure and the lack of time, many of you end up ignoring a lot of topics that would lend you good marks. To help you with that, Embibe has curated a list of all the Uttar Pradesh Board (UP) Class 11 topics so that you can refer to them whenever you want. Keep scrolling to find out more. 

UP Board Class 11 Mathematics Topics

To get a good score in the  UP Board Class 11 Maths exam, you need to have a thorough knowledge of  all the topics, and you can achieve that with Embibe. On Embibe, you can find all the video explainers and questions for every topic that will make your preparation easier. Keep reading to know more. 

Chapter No. Chapter NameTopics
1SetsSets and Their RepresentationsTypes of SetsSubsetsOperations on SetsDifference of Sets
2Relations and FunctionsCartesian Products of SetsRelationsFunctionsDomain and Range of Functions
3Trigonometric FunctionsAnglesIntroduction to Trigonometric FunctionsTrigonometric Functions of Sum and Difference of Two AnglesTrigonometric Equations
4Mathematical InductionThe Principle of Mathematical Induction
5Complex Numbers and Quadratic EquationsComplex NumbersAlgebra of Complex Numbers
6Linear InequalitiesTypes of InequalitiesSolutions of Linear Inequalities in One VariableSolutions of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
7Permutation and CombinationFactorial NotationPermutationsPermutations when All the Objects are DistinctPermutations when All the Objects are Not Distinct ObjectsCombinations
8Binomial TheoremGeneral and Middle TermsMultinomial TheoremBinomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices
9Sequences and SeriesIntroduction to Sequences and SeriesArithmetic ProgressionArithmetic MeanGeometric ProgressionGeometric Mean
10Straight LinesBasics of 2D Coordinate GeometrySlope of a LineVarious Forms of the Equation of a LineGeneral Equation of a LineDistance of a Point From a Line
11Conic SectionsSections of a ConeCircleParabolaEllipseHyperbola
12Introduction to Three Dimensional GeometryCoordinate Axes and Coordinate Planes in 3DDistance Formula in 3D
13Limits and DerivativesIntroduction to LimitsLimits of Polynomials and Rational FunctionsLimits of Trigonometric FunctionsFirst Principle of DifferentiationAlgebra of Derivative of Functions
14Mathematical ReasoningStatementsNew Statements from Old Logical Connectives and QuantifiersImplicationsValidating Statements
15StatisticsMeasures of DispersionMean DeviationVariance and Standard DeviationAnalysis of Frequency Distributions
16ProbabilityRandom ExperimentsEventsAxiomatic Approach to Probability
17Properties of TriangleRelations among Sides and Angles of a Triangle

UP Board Class 11 Physics Topics

Physics is a dreaded subject among many, and a lot of you might have trouble preparing for it. Well, not anymore because, with the right topics and guidance, it is a very scoring subject. Below, we have provided a list of the UP Board Class 11 Physics topics. You can use them for your reference. 

Chapter No.Chapter NameTopics
1.Physical WorldUnderstanding PhysicsScope of PhysicsRelation between Physics, Technology and SocietyFundamental Forces of NatureNature of Physical Laws
2.Units and MeasurementsPhysical QuantitiesThe International System of UnitsMeasurement of LengthMeasurement of MassMeasurement of Time
3.Motion in a Straight LinePosition, Path Length and DisplacementSpeed and VelocityKinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated MotionRelative Velocity Acceleration
4.Motion in a PlaneScalars and VectorsPosition Vector, Displacement, Velocity and AccelerationMotion in a Plane with Constant AccelerationRelative Velocity in Two DimensionsProjectile Motion
5.Laws of MotionLaw of InertiaNewton’s First Law of MotionNewton’s Second Law of MotionNewton’s Second Law of MotionImpulse and Change in Momentum
6.Work, Energy and PowerWorkKinetic EnergyWork Done by a Variable ForceThe Scalar Product of VectorsWork Energy Theorem
7.Systems of Particles and Rotational MotionRigid BodyMotion of Center of MassLinear Momentum of a System of ParticlesThe Vector Product of VectorsKinematics of Rotation
8.GravitationKepler’s LawsThe Gravitational ConstantInertial and Gravitational MassUniversal Law of Gravitation
9.Mechanical Properties of SolidsElastic Behaviour of SolidsStress and StrainHooke’s Law and Modulus of ElasticityStress and Strain CurveElastic Moduli
10.Mechanical Properties of FluidsPressure Inside a FluidPascal’s LawAtmospheric Pressure and Gauge PressureHydraulic MachinesArchemedes’ Principle
11.Thermal Properties of MatterTemperature and Measurement of TemperatureIdeal Gas Equation and Absolute TemperatureThermal ExpansionThermal ExpansionPrinciple of Calorimetry
12.ThermodynamicsGeneral Terms in ThermodynamicsThermal EquilibriumZeroth Law of ThermodynamicsHeat, Internal Energy and WorkFirst Law of Thermodynamics
13.Kinetic TheorySpecific Heat Capacity of GasesMolecular Nature of MatterKinetic Theory of an Ideal GasMean Path and RMS Speed
14.OscillationsPeriodic and Oscillatory MotionsSimple Harmonic MotionSimple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular MotionVelocity and Acceleration in Simple Harmonic MotionForce Law for Simple Harmonic Motion
15.WavesClassification of WavesTransverse and Longitudinal wavesEquation of a Progressive WavePrinciple of Superposition of WavesReflection of Waves

UP Board Class 11 Chemistry Topics

You might find Chemistry as a challenging subject, but with the right topic knowledge, you can excel in your Chemistry exam. Embibe has curated a list of all the topics of UP Board Class 11 Chemistry so that you don’t have to put in extra effort. Scroll down to know more.

Chapter No.Chapter NameTopics
1.Some Basic Concepts of ChemistryNature of MatterProperties of Matter and Their MeasurementThe International System of Units (SI)Uncertainty in MeasurementLaws of Chemical Combination
2.Structure of AtomDalton’s Idea of AtomDiscovery of Sub-Atomic ParticlesAtomic ModelsAtomic SpectraBohr’s Model for the Hydrogen Atom
3.Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesGenesis of Periodic ClassificationModern Periodic Law and the Present Form of the Periodic TableElectronic Configurations and Types of ElementsPeriodic Trends in the Properties of Elements
4.Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureKossel-Lewis Approach to Chemical BondingIonic or Electrovalent BondBond ParametersValence Bond TheoryHybridisation
5.States of MatterIntermolecular Forces and Thermal EnergyThe Gaseous StateThe Gas LawsIdeal Gas EquationKinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
6.ThermodynamicsApplications of Thermodynamics: WorkApplications of Thermodynamics: EnthalpyMeasurement of Energy Changes: CalorimetryEnthalpy Change of a Reaction- Reaction EnthalpyHess’s Law of Constant Heat Summation
7.EquilibriumEquilibrium in Physical ProcessesEquilibrium in Chemical ProcessesLaw of Chemical Equilibrium and Equilibrium ConstantsHomogeneous EquilibriaHeterogeneous Equilibria
8.Redox ReactionsClassical Idea of Redox ReactionsRedox Reactions in Terms of Electron TransferOxidation NumberTypes of Redox ReactionsBalancing of Redox Reactions
9.HydrogenDihydrogenPreparation of DihydrogenHydridesWater- Structure and PropertiesHard and Soft Water
10.The s-Block ElementsGroup 1 Elements: Alkali MetalsGeneral Characteristics of the Compounds of the Alkali MetalsAnomalous Properties of LithiumSome Important Compounds of SodiumBiological importance of Sodium and Potassium
11.The p-Block ElementsGroup 13 Elements: The Boron FamilyImportant Trends and Anomalous Properties of BoronSome Important Compounds of BoronAllotropes of CarbonSome Important Compounds of Carbon and Silicon
12.Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and TechniquesIntroduction to Organic CompoundsTetravalency of CarbonStructural Representation of Organic CompoundsNomenclature of Organic CompoundsIsomerism
13.HydrocarbonsAlkanesAlkynesArenes or Aromatic HydrocarbonsCarcinogenicity and Toxicity
14.Environmental ChemistryAtmospheric PollutionWater PollutionIndustrial WasteOil PollutionIndustrial Waste

 UP Board Class 11 Biology Topics

Biology is one such subject that requires you to be equally good at theory and diagrams. With complicated terms, this subject can seem difficult to a lot of you. But not anymore, because Embibe has it covered. Below, Embibe has created a list of all the topics of UP Board Class 11 Biology. 

Chapter No.Chapter NameTopics
1.The Living WorldCharacteristics of Living OrganismsDiversity in the Living WorldTaxonomic Categories of OrganismsTaxonomic Aids
2.Biological ClassificationIntroduction to Biological ClassificationKingdom MoneraKingdom ProtistaKingdom FungiKingdom Plantae
3.Plant KingdomIntroduction to Plant KingdomAlgaeDivision BryophytaDivision PteridophytaGymnosperms
4.Animal KingdomBasis of Classification of AnimalsClassification of Animals
5.Morphology of Flowering PlantsAn Introduction to Morphology of Flowering PlantsRootStemInflorescenceThe Flower
6.Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPlant TissuesPlant Tissue SystemAnatomy of Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous PlantsSecondary Growth in Plants
7.Structural Organisation in AnimalsAnimal TissuesCockroach- Morphology and Anatomy
8.Cell: The Unit of LifeCell TheoryThe Cell- An OverviewProkaryotic CellThe Cell- An overviewProkaryotic Cell
9.BiomoleculesAnalysing Chemical CompositionPrimary and Secondary MetabolitesBiomacromoleculesProteinsPolysaccharides
10.Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionCell CycleMitosisMeiosis
11.Transport in PlantsMeans of Transport in PlantsPlant Water RelationsLong Distance Transport of WaterTranspiration
12.Mineral NutritionStudy of Mineral Requirements on PlantsEssential Mineral NutrientsTranslocation of SolutesMechanism of Absorption of ElementsSoil as Reservoir of Essential Elements
13.Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsPhotosynthesis as Means of Autotrophic NutritionPhotosynthesis as Means of Autotrophic NutritionSites of PhotosynthesisPigments Involved in PhotosynthesisThe Light reaction of Photosynthesis
14.Respiration in PlantsIntroduction to Respiration in PlantsGlycolysisFermentationAerobic RespirationRespiratory Balance Sheet
15.Plant Growth and DevelopmentPlant GrowthDevelopment in PlantsPlant Growth RegulatorsPhotoperiodismVernalization
16.Digestion and AbsorptionHuman Digestive SystemDigestion of Food in HumansAbsorption of Digested Food productsDisorders of Human Digestive System
17.Breathing and Exchange of GasesRespiratory Organs in AnimalsMechanism of BreathingExchange of GasesMechanism of BreathingTransport of Gases
18.Body Fluids and CirculationBloodLymph- The Tissue FluidDouble CirculationRegulation of Cardiac Activity
19.Excretory Products and their EliminationExcretion in AnimalsHuman Excretory SystemUrine FormationMechanism of Concentration of the FiltrateRegulation of Kidney Functions
20.Locomotion and MovementTypes of Movement in HumansMuscular System of HumansSkeletal System of HumansJointsDisorders of Human Skeletal and Muscular Systems
21.Neural Control and CoordinationNeural SystemHuman Neural SystemNeuron-The Structural and Functional Unit of Neural SystemPhysiology of Nerve ConductionCentral Neural System
22.Chemical Coordination and IntegrationEndocrine Glands and HormonesHormones of Heart, Kidney and GI TractMechanism of Hormone Action

FAQs on Uttar Pradesh Board Class 11 Topics

Given below are some frequently asked questions for the UP Board Class 11 topics:

Q. Where can I find all the topics for UP Board Class 11?

Ans: You can find all the topics for UP Board Class 11 on the Embibe App.

Q. Can I find  study material for all the topics of UP Board Class 11 on Embibe?

Ans: Yes, you can find study material for all the topics of UP Board Class 11 on Embibe.

Q. How should I prepare for UP Board Class 11 topics to score good marks?

Ans: To score good marks in your UP Board Class 11 exams, you need to focus on all the topics. Start by understanding all the topics and practice its related questions. You can later give mock tests to strengthen your preparation. 

Q. How many topics are there in UP Board Class 11 Maths Chapter 9?

Ans: There are 7 topics in UP Board Class 11 Maths Chapter 9.

Q. Can I find chapter-wise practice tests on Embibe for UP Board Class 11?

Ans: Yes, you can find chapter-wise practice tests for UP Board Class 11 on the Embibe App.

Hope you found this article helpful for 11th Uttar Pradesh Board topics. For more updates on 11th Uttar Pradesh Board exams,  stay tuned on Embibe.

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