• Written By gaurav
  • Last Modified 15-05-2024

Ways To Improve Learning Outcomes: Learn Tips & Tricks


Ways To Improve Learning Outcomes: With the development of technology, students may now rely on strategies to enhance learning outcomes. No matter how knowledgeable a student is, the rise in recent years has been greatly influenced by improvements in educational quality. When choosing the five suggestions to enhance student learning outcomes, students must make sure they heed each piece of advise.

Additionally, in order for students to want to better their grades and have a promising academic future, both teaching and learning techniques must be changed. Students frequently do not pay attention during lectures, which stops them from learning reliable information. Well, implementing the strategies for enhancing learning outcomes can help to enhance all aspects of learning. The learning objectives must be followed by students at their own pace. Students can use the extensive availability of technology to enhance their studies. For information on ways to enhance learning outcomes, keep reading the article.

10 Strategic Ways To Boost Learning Outcomes of Basic Education

In the age of the digital world, students can get easily distracted from learning if the process is not interesting. Teachers have to put a lot of effort into designing the curriculum in such a way that it enhances their learning outcomes.

It was observed that when technology was introduced in the classroom, there was an improvement in learning outcomes for students. The gradual change in teaching methods and incorporation of digital technology in the classroom helps in improving the learning outcomes for the students.

#1 Improving Learning Outcome – Outdoor Teaching

Earlier the education system used to have only traditional ways of teaching and learning. All the students used to sit in the classroom for 6-7 hours a day, attending continuous lectures. But have you thought about their mindset towards learning? Whether they are able to concentrate or interested in listening to the lectures for long periods of time. If not, then why is it reflected in their learning outcomes? So these questions have to be addressed by teachers to improvise their strategies for providing better learning outcomes for students.

Have ever you thought about taking lectures outside the classroom? It really helps students to involve themselves with the surrounding environment. You should take students to field trips, museums, exhibitions, small scale industries or conduct classes on the lawn of the school premises. Sometimes these changes of place can help students to concentrate on learning and develop questioning skills. 

It is said that students can open up more in such environments than by sticking only to classroom learning. You should adopt different places or methods which can help them in improving their learning experience and securing high marks in their exams. Try to adopt these methods and observe the change in their learning abilities. They will become more open to discussion and perform well in their exams. 

How to implement it?

  • Conduct classes outside the classroom on the lawn, garden or any place on the school premises.
  • Take students on field trips to different places depending on the topics you are teaching. 
  • Allow them to interact outside of the classroom for effective communication with you and other students.
  • Allow them to observe the nature, surroundings, places or objects for their learning.

#2 Improving Learning Outcome – Updating Teaching Methods

Do you think this is the right time to change or reinvent your teaching methods for better learning opportunities for your students? Well, it is very important that you change your teaching techniques to improve the learning outcomes of students. Most of the students do not pay attention because of continuous theoretical classes. In such cases, they try to divert their attention leading to poor performance in the exam. What can you do to improve their learning outcomes? So you should conceptualise different methods of teaching for students. 

You can include learning activities such as seminars, debates, extempore, role play, learning games, learning styles, group discussions etc. This kind of activity awakens the interest among students and focuses more on understanding the concepts. You can also take them on virtual trips to different places around the world to teach them for better understanding. There are many online learning tools available for students where you can set up different activities for them in class as well as for homework. In this way, they will be concentrating on learning, and the information will remain in their memory for long periods of time.

How to implement it?

  • Conceptualise strategies for different teaching methods
  • Conduct learning activities in the classroom with the help of technology or any materials
  • Focus on visual learning as they can retain information for longer periods of time than words. 
  • Adapt different learning styles of students, such as visual, aural, social, and physical to teach.

#3 Improving Learning Outcome – Use of Technology 

We all know that technology has brought a wide range of learning opportunities to the education sector. In today’s world, technology is breaking the barrier to providing quality education to students. Technology in the education sector has an important role in providing the best learning outcomes for the students. But sometimes, with the conventional methods, the students lack interest and confidence in learning. In recent years, students have expected that they should use technology in their learning environment.

According to a report, 56 percent of children aged 8-12 have cell phones, 74% of teachers feel Ed-tech is a student motivator, and 77 % of parents allow the usage of tablets for their children’s learning.

How to implement it?

  • It helps in promoting students’ engagement for effective learning with the help of online tools.
  • It is said that students learning with technology show more enthusiasm and interest in the lectures, content, assignments, assessments and projects.
  • It allows you to implement different learning styles for a student, such as visual learning, aural, physical and social learning the students.
  • It will provide abundant information in the form of text, videos, images, graphics, documentaries, animations, maps, graphs, infographics etc. Also, have e-books, journals, articles, and blogs for enhancing the teaching and learning experience.
  • It will help in assessing students with automated questions, quizzes etc. and provide feedback based on the performance of the students.
  • It will enable you to provide personalised guidance to the students for their better learning outcomes. 

#4 Improving Learning Outcome – Regular Assessment

How will you know if the students understand what they are learning? All the schools across the world conduct assessment for the students for their better learning outcomes. Most of the teachers come to the class and give tests, but not many of them assess their learning potential based on their performance. As you know, assessment helps students in understanding their learning abilities, so it is important to conduct on a regular basis in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses based on their performance.

You should conduct regular assessments after every chapter in the form of quizzes, games or any activities so that there is a clear understanding of what they have learned and what needs more improvement. Plan your assessment strategy in such a way that there is a clear understanding of the questions and provide instant feedback based on their performance. 

How to implement it? 

  1. Conduct chapter-wise full test and revision tests on a regular basis.
  2. Take help of online platforms for the assessment of students.
  3. Help students in managing their time during the test or exams.
  4. Create questions for chapter-wise, unit-wise or whole syllabus in an online platform.

#5 Improving Learning Outcome – Encourage Self Learning

Have you ever seen students teaching in the class? It is a new approach for better learning outcomes for the students. Sometimes it is good to ask students to take some topic from the curriculum and teach it to the whole class. With this, they will be able to overcome stage fear, prepare for the topic, teach others and ultimately understand the concept in a much better way. You should give them tasks that enhance their learning abilities for a better understanding of the concept. 

How to implement it? 

  • Ask them to take a topic for self-learning.
  • Give them assignments that need a lot of research, reading and analytical skills.
  • Conduct debates, seminars and talks for the students.
  • Ask them to create a questionnaire from their syllabus. 
  • Encourage them to ask questions.

#6 Improving Learning Outcome – Regular Feedback 

Every student should be given the opportunity to know their progress or mistakes in their learning process. It is important to provide feedback regularly to identify their strengths and weaknesses for the scope of improvement. It will help students to develop skills in their learning environment.

Once the assessment or any assignment task is done, you have to instantly give feedback so that students can relate to their shortcomings and improve in the next assessment. Make sure that you provide feedback for every student individually on their understanding of the concept. If you feel any student needs more time for improvement based on their performance, then it is evident to give them enough time to work on their skills.

How to implement it? 

  • You should provide feedback regularly after each assessment on projects, assignments, tests, games, etc.
  • Give them honest and fair feedback for their improvement
  • Make sure you provide feedback based on their performance 
  • Provide feedback with positivity and areas of improvement for future assessments 
  • Ask them about how they feel about the assessment and overall learning experience so that you can work accordingly. 

#7 Improving Learning Outcome – Interactive Learning 

Why do you think interaction can improve learning outcomes in students? We have to understand the fact that effective communication between students and teachers can bring high productivity in the classroom. Sometimes few students feel shy in asking questions related to learning which can affect their grades. If the teachers take a class and leave without interaction or communication with the students leads to poor performance in the exams.

It is important for social-emotional learning among students. And when they have social-emotional learning, they are much more skilled in terms of self-learning, decision making, problem-solving, maintaining social relationships, etc. The activities should be conducted to help students to their track goals, role-play and debates. It helps them to achieve their goals, face challenges and solve problems.

How to implement it? 

  • Conduct interactive activities for the students in the form of seminars, extempores, speeches, debates, etc.
  • Encourage students to participate in interactive sessions in the classroom.
  • Give them the spot topic to speak about so that they can develop thinking skills.
  • Conduct group activities for the students for role play, model making, assignments, projects, outdoor activities, etc.

#8 Improving Learning Outcome – Engaging 

Every student has gone through the stage of losing interest during the lecture. We should understand that student engagement is important for better learning outcomes. Have you seen students gazing at the blackboard or windows during class hours? It happens when students start losing interest during the lecture due to poor teaching methods, boring environment, outdated curriculum etc.

So, it is important to engage them for long periods of time by taking classes that are fun and interesting. With this, they will be able to concentrate and improve their learning outcomes. You have to conduct activities that allow students to participate in a better understanding of the concept. Engaging students helps in increasing their attention span during the class and focusing on learning. 

How to implement it? 

  • Conduct engaging activities using visual tools, audio, documentaries, graphics, animations, etc.
  • Use material or props for explaining or demonstrating the concept in the class.
  • Give real-life examples or situations so that students can connect to the concept easily.
  • Promote learning through examples of everyday routine for a better understanding of the concepts.

#9 Improving Learning Outcome – Effective Course Content 

The framework of the curriculum should be designed in such a way that it provides expected learning outcomes for students. We should understand that curriculum is the most important factor in the education sector that provides learning outcomes for the students. The content should be designed based on the student’s needs and interests.

It should contain information, knowledge and skills for effective learning opportunities. Also, focus on what teachers teach and what students learn from the curriculum. It should contain topics that are based on authentic research, current trends, national and international knowledge, practicals, and activities, along with an effective time frame.

How to implement it? 

  • Design curriculum keeping in mind student interest and need
  • Include learning activities, games, and styles in the curriculum
  • Add regular assessment and feedback process for chapter wise, unit wise and whole syllabus 
  • Break down a complex topic into simpler ones for a better understanding of the concepts

#10 Improving Learning Outcome – Personalised Guidance 

We all know that every student has a different pattern and style of learning. We cannot compare them with other students’ ability to learn. For instance, when you teach something, few students with high grasping abilities are more likely to secure high ranks in their exams, but what about the average students who take time to understand the concept?

In such scenarios, teachers might neglect the average students as they do not pay attention to the individual students leading to poor performance. So it is important to provide personalised guidance to individual students for better learning outcomes. You have to understand their weaknesses and strengths based on their performance. And change the teaching pattern accordingly. With this, the students can learn within their comfort zone and improve their learning outcomes. 

How to implement it? 

  • Communicate with the students on a regular basis
  • Identify their interest based on the learning pattern 
  • Conduct practice and revision tests for better learning outcomes
  • Pinpoint their mistakes to identify their weaknesses and strengths

So, whether you are looking for 15 ways to improve learning objectives or three ways to improve your approach to learning outcomes, you can take a look at the points given in this article.

FAQs on Ways To Improve Learning Outcomes

Q.1: Can I learn about the ways to improve learning outcomes on Embibe?
Ans: Yes, read this detailed article on Embibe to learn about ways to improve learning outcomes.

Q.2: How many methods have been mentioned in this article?
Ans: In this article, you will find 10 ways to improve the learning outcomes for better understanding.

Q.3: Can restructuring teaching methods help in improving the learning outcomes?
Ans: Yes, restructuring the teaching methods will surely help in improving the learning outcomes.

Q.4: What are the trending learning methods adopted by teachers?
Ans: The trending learning methods are mentioned below:
1. Flipped learning
2. Microlearning
3. Blended learning
4. Mastery learning

Q.5: Will technology help in enhancing the learning outcomes?
Ans: Yes, technology will boost and enhance learning outcomes.

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