• Written By Alice_J
  • Last Modified 20-06-2023

Bihar Board Class 9 Topics And Chapters


Many students struggle to pass their school-level exams because they need help understanding the topics. Have you ever considered the reasons why students struggle to understand the topics? It can be because of the complexity of the topics, the attention span or other factors coming in the way of comprehending the Bihar Board Class 9 Topics. We have a solution to end this struggle to understand difficult topics.

Students can watch videos for the entire syllabus in one place and get an in-depth understanding of the topics in the syllabus. You can watch the videos as many times as you want. The best part of learning with Embibe is you can use the live chat option and clear your doubts in real-time.

9th Bihar Board Topics With Video Solutions

To perform well in the exam, you need a comprehensive understanding of the topics. You must make a preparation plan and divide your time wisely. You should focus more on the topics you are weak in. If you want to learn the topics in a new way, you must go through the 9th Bihar Board topics with video solutions given in the article below. 

Important Bihar Board Class 9 Science Topics

The Bihar Board class 9 Science syllabus can be vast, but you can learn important topics from the table below:  List of Bihar Board Class 9 Science Chapters

S. No.Chapter NameImportant Topics
1Matter in Our SurroundingsPhysical Nature of Matter,  Characteristics of Particles of Matter, States of Matter, Interconversion of Matter, Evaporation,
2Is Matter Around Us?Mixture, Solutions, Suspension and Colloids,  Separation of Components of a Mixture, Physical and Chemical Changes, Types of Pure Substances, Compounds
3Atoms and MoleculesLaws of Chemical Combination, Atom, Molecule, Ion, Writing of Chemical Formulae,  Molecular Mass and Mole Concept
4Structure of the AtomCharged Particles in Matter, the Structure of an Atom, Distribution of Electrons in Distributed Orbits (Shells), Valency, Atomic Number and Mass Number
5The Fundamental Unit of LifeIntroduction to a Cell, Structural Organization of a Cell
6TissuesIntroduction to Tissue Systems, Plant Tissues, Animal Tissues
7Diversity in Living OrganismsBasic of Classification of Living Organisms, Classification and Evolution, Hierarchy of Classification Groups, Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Animalia
8MotionDescribing Motion, Measuring the Rate of Motion, Rate of Change of Velocity, Graphical Representation of Motion, Equations of Motion by Graphical Equation, Uniform Circular Motion,
9Force and Laws of MotionBalanced and Unbalanced Forces, First Law of Motion, Inertia and Mass, Second Law of Motion, Third Law of Motion, Conservation of Momentum
10GravitationIntroduction to Gravitation, Fall, Mass, Weight, Thrust and Pressure, Archimedies Principle, Relative Density
11Work and EnergyWork, Energy, Rate of Doing Work 
12SoundProduction of Sound, Propagation of Sound, Reflection of Sound,Range of Hearing, Applications of Ultrasound, Structure of Human Ear
13Why do we Fall Ill?Health and Its Failure, Diseases and Its Causes, Infectious Diseases
14Natural ResourcesIntroduction to Natural Resources, the Breath of Life: Air, Water: A Wonder Liquid, Mineral Riches in the Soil, Biogeochemical Cycles, Ozone Layer
15Improvement in Food ResourcesImprovement in Crop Yield, Animal Husbandry

Important Bihar Board Class 9 Mathematics Topics

There are numerous theories and formulae in Mathematics that you can learn with video explanations at Embibe. Check out a few important topics in the table below. 

List of Bihar Board Class 9 Maths Chapters

S. No.Chapter NameImportant Topics
1Number SystemBasic Number System, Irrational Numbers, Real Numbers and Their Decimal Expansions, Operations on Real Numbers Exponents and Surds
2PolynomialsPolynomial in One Variable, Zeros of a Polynomial, Remainder Theorem, Factorisation of Polynomials, Algebraic Identities
3Coordinate GeometryIntroduction To Coordinate Geometry, Cartesian System, Plotting a Point in the Plane if Its Coordinates Are Given
4Linear Equations in Two VariablesLinear Equation, Solution of a Linear Equation, Graph of a Linear Equation in Two Variables, Equation of Lines Parallel to x-axis an y-axis
5Introduction to Euclid’s GeometryEuclid’s Definitions Axioms and Postulates, Equivalent Versions of Euclid’s Fifth Postulate
6Lines and AnglesBasic Terms Food Angles Between Lines, Pairs of Angles, Intersecting Lines and Non Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines and a Transversal, Lines Parallel to the Same Line, Angle Sum Property of a Triangle
7TrianglesCongruence of Triangles, Criteria for Congruence of Triangles, Properties of a Triangle, RHS and SSS  For Congruence, Inequalities in a Triangle
8QuadrilateralsAngle Sum Property of a Quadrilateral, Types of Quadrilateral, Properties of a Parallelogram, the Mid-point Theorem,
9Area of Parallelogram and TrianglesUnderstanding Area of Plane Figures, Triangles on the Same Base and Between Same Parallels, Parallelogram on the Same Base and Between Same Parallels
10CirclesCircle and Its Related Terms, Angle Subtended by a Chord at a Point, Perpendicular From the Centre to a Chord, Circle Through Three Points, Equal Chords and Their Distances From the Centre, Angle Subtended by an Arc of a Circle,  Cyclic Quadrilaterals
11ConstructionsBasic Constructions, Construction of Triangles
12Heron’s FormulaArea of Triangle Using Base and Height, Area of Triangle Using Heron’s Formula, Area of Quadrilateral Using Heron’s Formula
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Cuboid and a Cube, Surface Area of a Right Circular Cylinder, Surface Area of a Right Circular Cone, Surface Area of a Sphere,Volume of a Cuboid, Volume of a Cylinder, Volume of a Right Circular Cone, Volume of a Sphere
14StatisticsCollection of Data, Presentation of Data, Graphical Representation of Data, Measures of Central Tendency
15ProbabilityProbability and Experimental Approach

Also Check,

Bihar Board Class 9 BooksBihar Board Class 9 Chapters
Bihar Board Class 9 SyllabusBihar Board Class 9 Study Material

FAQs on Bihar Board Class 9 Topics

The most frequently asked questions about the Bihar Board Class 9 Topics are listed below:

Q: Where can I get topic explanations for the 9th Bihar Board?

Ans: The 9th Bihar Board topic explanations are available on Embibe.

Q: How many topics are there in Probability?

Ans: There is only 1 topic in probability i.e., Probability and Experimental Approach.

Q: Does Embibe have 9th Bihar Board topics for?

Ans: The 9th Bihar Board topics are at Embibe. 

Q: Where can I take the 9th Bihar Board mock test?

Ans: Students can take the 9th Bihar Board mock test series at Embibe to improve their performance. 

Q: What are the topics in Work and Energy?

Ans: Work, Energy, and Rate of Doing Work are the topics in Work and Energy.

We hope this article on Bihar Board Class 9 Topics 2023 has helped you. If you have any doubts or queries, feel to contact us by downloading our app, and we will be happy to get back to you.

Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest updates on Bihar Board Class 9 2023.

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