Goa Board Class 6

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  • Written by gnanambigai
  • Last Modified on 27-01-2023
  • Written by gnanambigai
  • Last Modified on 27-01-2023

About Exam

About Exam

Exam Brief

The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) was established in its current form in October 2016. Under the Right to Education (RTE) Act of 2009, SCERT Goa has been designated as the Academic Authority. Every year, a large number of students attend the Goa Board Class 6 examination, as is customary. 

SCERT strives for various quality enhancement programmes, including detecting and fostering talent through the staging of competitions and scholarships to students. In addition, it is dedicated to popularising science education in Goa and executing various need-based programmes for teenagers. 

The Goa board’s main responsibilities include:

  • Granting/denying recognition to secondary and higher secondary schools.
  • Providing policy advice to the government on secondary and higher secondary education.
  • Establishing guiding principles for curriculum and syllabi, as well as specific syllabi.
  • Assisting the government with standard needs for the workforce, infrastructure, furniture, equipment, stationery, and other necessary facilities.
  • For all classes, the board will be prescribing and developing textbooks.
  • Establishing criteria for regular and private candidates to be admitted to the final examinations.
  • Declaring the final examination results of the candidates.

Exam Summary

Refer to the following tables for more details on Class 6th Goa Board Exams.

Features Details
Exam Name Goa Board Class 6 Examination
Conducting Body Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
Frequency of Conduct Yearly
Exam Level Class 6
Mode of Exam Offline
Total Marks 100
Medium of Exam
  • English
  • Konkani
  • Marathi
  • Urdu

The Goa state board Class 6 curriculum, model question papers, blueprint, question paper design, and sample papers will be updated in this article as and when it is made available. The Goa board Class 6 textbooks 2020 PDF has been published on the official website. The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Goa Class 6 Marathi, English, Kannada, and Urdu medium books can be downloaded from this page.

Official Website Link


Exam Pattern

Exam Pattern

Exam pattern details - Total time

The exams of the class 6 Goa Board are conducted for 2 hours or 120 minutes, each.

Exam Syllabus

Exam Syllabus

Syllabus for Class 6th Goa Board

The Goa board determines the curriculum and subjects for all the classes. Class 6 students have the option of choosing one of the elective language subjects. Here, English is a compulsory subject. In addition, students may select one of the following optional language subjects: Hindi, Sanskrit, foreign language, or regional language.

Goa Class 6th Maths Syllabus

  • Chapter 1: Knowing Our Numbers
  • Chapter 2: Whole Numbers
  • Chapter 3: Playing With Numbers
  • Chapter 4: Basic Geometrical Ideas
  • Chapter 5: Understanding Elementary Shapes
  • Chapter 6: Integers
  • Chapter 7: Fractions
  • Chapter 8: Decimals
  • Chapter 9: Data Handling
  • Chapter 10: Mensuration
  • Chapter 11: Algebra
  • Chapter 12: Ratio and Proportion
  • Chapter 13: Symmetry
  • Chapter 14: Practical Geometry

Goa Class 6th Science Syllabus

  • Chapter 1: Food: Where Does it Come From?
  • Chapter 2: Components of Food
  • Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric
  • Chapter 4: Sorting Materials and Groups
  • Chapter 5: Separation of Substances
  • Chapter 6: Changes Around Us
  • Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants
  • Chapter 8: Body Movement
  • Chapter 9: The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
  • Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances
  • Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections
  • Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits
  • Chapter 13: Fun with Magnets
  • Chapter 14: Water
  • Chapter 15: Air Around Us
  • Chapter 16: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Goa Class 6th Hindi Syllabus

Vasant Bhag 1 (वसंत भाग 1)

  • पाठ 1: वह चिड़िया जो
  • पाठ 2: बचपन
  • पाठ 3: नादान दोस्त
  • पाठ 4: चाँद से थोड़ी सी गप्पें
  • पाठ 5: अक्षरों का महत्व
  • पाठ 6: पार नज़र के
  • पाठ 7: साथी हाथ बढ़ाना
  • पाठ 8: ऐसे – ऐसे
  • पाठ 9: टिकट एल्बम
  • पाठ 10: झांसी की रानी
  • पाठ 11: जो देखकर भी नहीं देखते
  • पाठ 12: संसार पुस्तक है
  • पाठ 13: मैं सबसे छोटी होऊं
  • पाठ 14: लोकगीत
  • पाठ 15: नौकर
  • पाठ 16: वन के मार्ग में
  • पाठ 17: साँस – साँस में बांस

Doorva Part – 1 (दूर्वा भाग 1)

  • पाठ 1: कलम
  • पाठ 2: किताब
  • पाठ 3: घर
  • पाठ 4: पतंग
  • पाठ 5: भालू
  • पाठ 6: झरना
  • पाठ 7: धनुष
  • पाठ 8: रुमाल
  • पाठ 9: कक्षा
  • पाठ 10: गुब्बारा
  • पाठ 11: पर्वत
  • पाठ 12: हमारा घर
  • पाठ 13: कपडे की दूकान
  • पाठ 14: फूल
  • पाठ 15: बातचीत
  • पाठ 16: शिलॉन्ग से फ़ोन
  • पाठ 17: तितली
  • पाठ 18: ईश्वरचंद्र विद्यासागर
  • पाठ 19: प्रदर्शनी
  • पाठ 20: चिट्ठी
  • पाठ 21: अंगुलिमाल
  • पाठ 22: यात्रा की तैयारी
  • पाठ 23: हाथी
  • पाठ 24: डॉक्टर
  • पाठ 25: जयपुर से पत्र
  • पाठ 26: बढे चलो
  • पाठ 27: ब्यर्थ की शंका
  • पाठ 28: गधा और सियार

बाल रामकथा – Bal Ram Katha

  • पाठ 1: अवधपुरी में राम
  • पाठ 2: जंगल और जनकपुर
  • पाठ 3: दो वरदान
  • पाठ 4: राम का वन गमन
  • पाठ 5: चित्रकूट में भरत
  • पाठ 6: दंडक वन में दस वर्ष
  • पाठ 7: सोने का हिरन
  • पाठ 8: सीता की खोज
  • पाठ 9: राम और सुग्रीव
  • पाठ 10: लंका में हनुमान
  • पाठ 11: लंका विजय
  • पाठ 12: राम का राज्याभिषेक

Goa Class 6th English Syllabus


  • Chapter 1: Who Did Patrick’s Homework? & A House, A Home
  • Chapter 2: How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! & The Kite
  • Chapter 3: Taro’s Reward & The Quarrel
  • Chapter 4: An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla & Beauty
  • Chapter 5: A Different Kind of School & Where Do All the Teachers Go?
  • Chapter 6: Who I Am & The Wonderful Words
  • Chapter 7: Fair Play
  • Chapter 8: A Game of Chance & Vocation
  • Chapter 9: Desert Animals & Whatif
  • Chapter 10: The Banyan Tree

A Pact with the Sun – Supplementary Reader

  • Chapter 1: A Tale of Two Birds
  • Chapter 2: The Friendly Mongoose
  • Chapter 3: The Shepherd’s Treasure
  • Chapter 4: The Old-Clock Shop
  • Chapter 5: Tansen
  • Chapter 6: The Monkey and the Crocodile
  • Chapter 7: The Wonder Called Sleep
  • Chapter 8: A Pact with the Sun
  • Chapter 9: What Happened to the Reptiles?
  • Chapter 10: A Strange Wrestling Match

Goa Class 6th Sanskrit Syllabus

रुचिरा – प्रथमो भागः

  • प्रथमः पाठः – अकारान्त – पुंल्लिङ्गः
  • द्वितीयः पाठः – अकारान्त – स्त्रीलिंगः
  • तृतीयः पाठः – अकारान्त – नपुंसकलिङ्ग
  • चतुर्थः पाठः – क्रीडास्पर्धा (सर्वनामप्रयोगः)
  • पञ्चमः पाठः – वृक्षाः
  • षष्ठः पाठः – समुन्द्रतटः (तृतीया – चतुर्थीविभक्तिः)
  • सप्तमः पाठः – बकस्य प्रतिकारः (अव्ययप्रयोगः)
  • अष्टमः पाठः – सूक्तिस्तबकः
  • नवमः पाठः – अङ्गलियकं प्राप्तम (पञ्चमी – षष्ठीविभक्तिः)
  • दशमः पाठः – कृषिकाः कर्मवीराः
  • एकादशः पाठः – पुष्पोत्सवः (सप्तमी – विभक्तिः)
  • द्वादशः पाठः – दशमः त्वम असि (संख्यावाचिपदानि)
  • त्रयोदशः पाठः – लोकमङ्गलम
  • चतुर्दशः पाठः – अहह आः च
  • पञ्चदशः पाठः – मातुलचंद्र!! (बालगीतम)

Goa Class 6th Social Science Textbook for English Medium 

History – Our Pasts Part I

  • Chapter 1: What, Where, How and When?
  • Chapter 2: On the Trail of the Earliest People
  • Chapter 3: From Gathering to Growing Food
  • Chapter 4: In the Earliest Cities
  • Chapter 5: What Books and Burials Tell Us
  • Chapter 6: Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic
  • Chapter 7: New Questions and Ideas
  • Chapter 8: Ashoka, The Emperor who Gave up War
  • Chapter 9: Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
  • Chapter 10: Traders, Kings and Pilgrims
  • Chapter 11: New Empires and Kingdoms
  • Chapter 12: Buildings, Paintings and Books

Geography – The Earth Our Habitat Part I

  • Chapter 1: The Earth in the Solar System
  • Chapter 2: Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes
  • Chapter 3: Motions of the Earth
  • Chapter 4: Maps
  • Chapter 5: Major Domains of the Earth
  • Chapter 6: Major Landforms of the Earth
  • Chapter 7: Our Country – India
  • Chapter 8: India: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife

Political Science – Our social and political life Part I

  • Chapter 1: Understanding Diversity
  • Chapter 2: Diversity and Discrimination
  • Chapter 3: What is Government?
  • Chapter 4: Key Elements of a Democratic Government
  • Chapter 5: Panchayati Raj
  • Chapter 6: Rural Administration
  • Chapter 7: Urban Administration
  • Chapter 8: Rural Livelihoods
  • Chapter 9: Urban Livelihoods

Study Plan to Maximise Score

Study Plan to Maximise Score

Preparation Tips

Students who receive high grades in exams put in a lot of effort during preparation, and score better than an average student. This is due to the fact that they study according to a set of guidelines. They have a study regimen that they stick to for months and get incredible results. As a result, all students must create a comprehensive study schedule in order to improve their grades. Here are some pointers to consider:

  1. Identify and make a list of the strong and weak topics in various subjects. Consider the most and least important things as well. Give yourself additional time to study the most crucial or challenging topics.
  2. Take brief notes on each chapter and topic. This will assist you in reviewing the subjects prior to the exam. You can’t remember anything from books at the last minute. It will take up a significant amount of time. Short notes assist you in gaining a quick understanding of the overall picture of each of the topics.
  3. Solving previous year’s question papers is the greatest technique to learn the exam pattern and gain writing speed simultaneously. This provides detailed information on the exam pattern, scoring scheme, and key themes. So, every day, attempt to solve at least one question paper. You’ll also learn how to manage your time during the exam.
  4. Don’t take your health for granted. You study for hours during the preparation, which has an impact on your health. As a result, while studying for the exam, you should eat healthy foods and exercise/meditate regularly. This improves your attention while also balancing your focus.
  5. If you don’t understand anything or are unsure about how to solve a problem, you can seek assistance from your teachers. You can also contact your peers.

Exam Taking Strategy

Here are some strategies to help you improve your performance and grades in your Goa 6th exams.

1. Be prepared

  • There is no replacement for planning ahead of time. If you haven’t studied during the semester, you will be penalised. If you haven’t studied before the test, do so now. All the test-taking tactics in the world won’t help you if you don’t understand the material. The importance of preparation cannot be overstated.
  • Spend as much time as you need to fully comprehend the content covered on the test in order to earn a good score.
  • Spend time sharpening test-taking abilities, as teachers frequently adjust content on tests to assess if pupils have a thorough knowledge of ideas.

2. Always arrive early and take a moment to relax

  • Taking time to relax will boost your self-assurance.
  • For the upcoming test, you’ll be able to limit your emphasis.
  • Arriving early may provide you the opportunity to ask the instructor any last-minute queries or listen to other students’ explanations. Some study tools advise arriving early to prevent “brain pickers,” or students who ask questions just before a test, but we disagree. We believe that arriving a bit early will benefit you more.

3. Pay close attention to the instructor’s last-minute instructions.

  • It is not uncommon for professors to make last-minute changes to test details.
  • If you forget to follow the test instructions, your test anxiety will skyrocket.
  • If you don’t understand the test instructions, don’t be afraid to ask for them to be repeated.

4. Do a memory dump

  • A memory dump can be an especially effective method for boosting test performance in certain situations.
  • As soon as you start the test, jot down any information you think you’ll need to know but are afraid of forgetting. (Formulas, equations, dates, lists, and so on)

5. Pay close attention to the test instructions and look for details.

  • Frequently, test questions and directions contain useful information. Always read all instructions thoroughly to ensure that you understand what is being requested of you.
  • On a multiple-choice question, it is not rare to have two right answers. Pay close attention to the small things.

6. Make a plan for how you’ll spend the time you’ve been given.

  • Estimate the amount of time you’ll have for each segment of the test and each question. Allow extra time for portions that are more difficult or that are weighted more highly in the final test grade.
  • Pace yourself so you can finish the test in the time provided.
  • Complete the questions you are familiar with first, then return to the problems you are unsure about.

Detailed Study plan

Check out the best tips and strategies for passing the Goa Board Class 6 Annual Exam 2021-22. Some of the most important exam preparation resources can also be found here.

1. Check your syllabus first
Exam preparations should begin with a review of your syllabus. Check it out to get a sense of what you need to do to prepare for the exam. Only the new Goa board Class 6 syllabus should be used. Read the most recent syllabus. Understand the topics/chapters that have been removed from the new syllabus.

2. Know the exam pattern and marks distribution
The Goa board Class 6 exam would take place in schools. The modified and reduced syllabus will be the sole basis for the exam.

3. Create a chapter-by-chapter list of formulas.
For all the subjects prepare the relevant formulas, theorems and definitions.

4. Solve textbook questions
Knowing the formulas at your fingertips will not help you earn the grades you desire unless you understand how to use them effectively. To achieve this, you must finish all of the textbook questions at least twice. Examine the cases that have been resolved as well. This will enable you to answer any type of problem by applying the appropriate formula or reasoning based on an applicable theorem or axiom. Because the majority of exam questions are taken directly from the textbook, answering textbook questions is especially important.

5. Clear your doubts
Throughout your exam preparations, you may have various doubts, whether they are related to any topics or exams. Speak with professionals, whether they be your parents, instructors, or classmates, to dispel any doubts you may have. Avoid even the smallest doubts or fears that may arise in your mind. Rather, have them all answered at once. This can help you stay calm and prevent tension, helping you to do well in the approaching exam.

Exam Counselling

Exam counselling

Student Counselling

  • Eat Properly. Your body requires nutrients from meals in order to function effectively. The food you eat has an impact on how you feel emotionally and physically. Foods high in fat or sugar, for example, can make you feel heavy or lethargic. When our bodies have the fuel and nutrition they require, it is much easier to manage stress and anxiety.
  • Sleep Well. Relax before going to bed. Your bed is a haven, not a workstation. A good night’s sleep can assist you recall what you’ve learned. Get plenty of rest, especially in the days leading up to your tests.
  • Exercise. Running and swimming, for example, will leave you feeling peaceful, refreshed, and energised for hours. So make time for exercise in your schedule.
  • Distract Strategies. Use distracting tactics to assist you manage your stressful or anxious feelings, such as utilising a stress ball, chewing gum, sipping ice water, or fidget toys like an elastic band on your wrist or moulded putties.
  • Positive Thoughts or Cheerleading Statements. Combat worry or negative ideas like “I’m going to fail” or “I can’t do this” with optimistic thoughts or cheering remarks like “I got this” or “I’m going to try my hardest, I know what I’m doing.” Make a list of positive or cheerleading statements and hang them around your study environment.
  • Relaxation Techniques. Breathing exercises can help reduce tension and anxiety while studying or writing tests. For example, close your eyes for a minute, inhale for a count of three, exhale for a count of five, and repeat. It simply takes a moment and allows your body and mind to relax, allowing you to concentrate better.
  • Talk to someone. If you continue to feel extremely anxious, speak with someone you trust, whether it is a parent, teacher, therapist, or friend. Sometimes just talking about it might help you feel better, and the person you talk to may be able to help you put things into perspective.


Freaquently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the abbreviation for GBSHSE?
A. GBSHSE is an abbreviation for the Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

Q2. What is the Goa Board’s educational structure?
A. According to the data for 2019-20 provided on the Goa Government’s official website, the educational structure of the state of Goa consists of pre-primary, primary, middle, intermediate, and upper secondary education.

Q3. How many affiliated schools fall under the purview of the Goa School Board?
A. There are about 1,735 schools in Goa, including primary, middle, secondary, and higher secondary schools. The majority of Goa’s schools are associated with the state board of education (GBSHSE).

Q4. Where can I find my Goa Board Class 10 and Class 12 results?
A. Students in Class 10 and Class 12 can check their GBSHSE results on the state’s official website, www.gbshse.gov.in.

Q5. Is the Goa Board Class 6 Social Science Syllabus applicable to competitive exams?
A. Yes, the syllabus will help you pass competitive exams. It will be beneficial if you take several government job tests, such as the UPSC Civil Services Examination.

Q6. Is the Goa Board Syllabus adequate for preparing for the Class 6 Science exams?
A. Yes, Goa Board books are more than adequate for preparing for Goa Board Class 6 Science exams. Students can, however, use Embibe’s solutions to gain a thorough understanding of the concept.

Dos and Donts

Q1. What is the abbreviation for GBSHSE?
A. GBSHSE is an abbreviation for the Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

Q2. What is the Goa Board’s educational structure?
A. According to the data for 2019-20 provided on the Goa Government’s official website, the educational structure of the state of Goa consists of pre-primary, primary, middle, intermediate, and upper secondary education.

Q3. How many affiliated schools fall under the purview of the Goa School Board?
A. There are about 1,735 schools in Goa, including primary, middle, secondary, and higher secondary schools. The majority of Goa’s schools are associated with the state board of education (GBSHSE).

Q4. Where can I find my Goa Board Class 10 and Class 12 results?
A. Students in Class 10 and Class 12 can check their GBSHSE results on the state’s official website, www.gbshse.gov.in.

Q5. Is the Goa Board Class 6 Social Science Syllabus applicable to competitive exams?
A. Yes, the syllabus will help you pass competitive exams. It will be beneficial if you take several government job tests, such as the UPSC Civil Services Examination.

Q6. Is the Goa Board Syllabus adequate for preparing for the Class 6 Science exams?
A. Yes, Goa Board books are more than adequate for preparing for Goa Board Class 6 Science exams. Students can, however, use Embibe’s solutions to gain a thorough understanding of the concept.

List of Educational Institutions

About Exam

List of Schools

Following are some of the schools in different districts of Goa that are affiliated to the state board:

S.No. Schools
1 G.M.S. Hutatma Manohar Pednekar
2 G.M.S. Hasapur
3 Hutatma Bapu Gawas Memorial Govt. High School
4 Lokshikshan High School
5 Harmal Panchakroshi High School
6 St. Anne’s Middle School
7 G.M.S. Khorlim
8 G.M.S. Mapusa
9 G.M.S. Tivim
10 Govt. High School, Namoshi, Guirim
11 Govt. High School, Alto Betim
12 G.M.S. Assonora
13 Govt. High School, Nadora
14 Green Meadows School
15 Jnyan Vikas High School

Click here to access the full list of schools in Goa.


About Exam

Parent Counselling

Here are a few questions that are frequently asked by parents to help their wards who are in middle school.

Q1. How can I help my child to get interested in studies without stressing them?
A. At this age kids can be given more real life examples to make them understand and get interested in studies. Like when you go to a shop ask them to calculate the cost of items purchased and amount to be paid and change to be taken back from the shopkeeper. Same way can be applied to other subjects. 

Q2. How much physical activity (playing) is preferable during exams?
A. During exams anything between 30 minutes to 45 minutes is preferable. As there are chances that students will get tired or injured during play which may directly or indirectly affect their exams. So students need not skip playing as games give them relaxation which helps further in concentration in studies too.

Q3. How to improve the concentration of my child?
A. Techniques to improve & increase concentration power & focus in children

  • Play focus games & exercises to build attention.
  • Prepare a distraction-environment
  • Divide bigger tasks into smaller tasks
  • Understand your child’s method of learning (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic)
  • Allow time for distractions in your schedule

Future Exams


List of Future Exams

Students can prepare for the following list of competitive exams:

NSTSE The National Level Science Talent Search Exam is organised by the Unified Council for students from classes 2 to 12. It is one of the most popular scholarship examinations conducted in India.
Olympiads These are some Olympiads organised by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) such as IMO, NCO, NSO and ISO. They take place only once a year and are extremely competitive.
NIMO The EduHeal Foundation organises the National Interactive Maths Olympiad (NIMO), which makes math more enjoyable. It intends to accomplish this by introducing interactive activities such as seminars, workshops and Olympiads.
NBTO The National Biotechnology Olympiad raises awareness about biotechnology and creates a sense of challenge and competition in students. It is also encouraging the younger generation to improve their knowledge of biotechnology issues and assess their skill for future careers in biotechnology.
GeoGenius GeoGenius, a non-profit organisation founded by leading academics, aims to increase school children's understanding of geography. It also teaches them about the planet and inspires deep love and respect for the environment, which aids in their growth.
ASSET Assessment of Scholastic Skills through Educational Testing is a skill-based assessment test that has been scientifically designed. Rather than using multiple-choice questions, it focuses on how well school students understand fundamental concepts. The test also provides information on individual students' and Classes' strengths and weaknesses.

Practical Knowledge/Career Goals


Learning from Real World

Real-World Learning is an educational strategy in which schools work with community partners and industry professionals to involve students in authentic, relevant challenges, projects, and experiences that help them build career awareness and preparedness. Real-world learning enables students to make a positive impact on the world and the lives of others.

Future Skills

As digital technologies grow increasingly prevalent, students must be prepared to deal with an abundance of opportunities as well as issues. As the world’s reliance on highly sophisticated, constantly growing technologies grows, so does the demand for those with the appropriate digital abilities. Information technology has an impact on nearly every aspect of modern life (IT). Because technology is continually growing, there are several career opportunities in this industry. As a result, learning the principles of information technology at a young age can be extremely advantageous to kids in the future. As a result, information technology is viewed as a critical course of study in high school.

Master 6th Goa Board Concepts with 3D Videos