• Written By Abhishek_verma
  • Last Modified 27-01-2023

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7: NCERT solutions Class 6 Science chapter 7 – Getting to Know Plants is a valuable resource to help students score well in the final exams. Using the NCERT Class 6 Science chapter 7 solution will ensure that they build a strong foundation for advanced topics in higher classes. By thoroughly practicing the NCERT solutions provided by Embibe, students can be assured of scoring maximum marks.

CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 7 talks about Herbs, Shrubs and Trees, Stem, Leaf, Root and Flower. Embibe delivers a set of over 470 practice questions for all the sub-topics of Chapter 7. Students must practice all the in-text questions provided by Embibe to score the best marks. Scroll down to access NCERT solutions for Chapter 7 of Class 6 Science.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 11: Important Topics

Class 6 Science chapter 7, “Getting to Know Plants,” is one of the important and easiest chapters of Class 6. Students will learn the fundamentals required to understand the topics in higher grades. Following the NCERT solutions by Embibe will help students to grasp the topics quickly. It becomes easy to answer the easy and difficulty levels of questions asked in the exam.

At Embibe, students can practice the solutions to all the questions in the Class 6 Science chapter 7 textbook based on the latest syllabus. Students can access the solutions for. Also, Embibe delivers NCERT 3D Videos, NCERT Exemplars, Embibe Explainers, etc., for.

Below-mentioned is the list of topics present in Class 6 Science chapter 7.

1Herbs, Shrubs and Trees

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7: Points to Remember

We have mentioned some of the important points for the students to study NCERT Class 6 Science chapter 7 concepts with much ease.

  • Plants, on the basis of height: (i) A herb is a small plant with fleshy or juicy stem.
    (ii) A shrub or bush is a small-to-medium-sized perennial woody plant.
    (iii) A tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk.
  • Root system: (i) Tap root and fibrous root.
    (ii) Tap root system consists of a single main root (called the tap root) from which lateral roots develop, as in mustard and pea.
    (iii) Roots perform several functions: fix the plant to the ground, absorb water and minerals from the soil, and also bind the soil particles together.
  •  Shoot system: (i) The shoot system consists of stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.
    (ii) The stem is divided into nodes and internodes and bears apical buds and axillary buds.
    (iii) The stem provides support, helps in conduction of water and minerals.
    (iv)The leaf is a green flattened structure, meant for manufacturing food for the plant body by the process of photosynthesis.
    (v) The pattern of veins on the leaf is called venation.
    (vi) A leaf, typically, consists of three parts – leaf base, stalk or petiole and leaf blade or lamina.
    (vii) Leaves are attached to the stem at places called nodes. The part of the stem between two nodes is called internode.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science: All Chapters

Students can access the detailed NCERT Class 6 solutions for all the chapters of Science as provided below for your reference:

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7

Q.1: What is the difference between herbs, shrubs and trees? Explain with examples.
Ans: Trees and Shrubs are perennials whereas herbs are annual, perennial, and biennials. Casil and Coriander are examples of herbs whereas rose and lemon are shrubs. Mango and Banyan are examples of trees.

Q.2: From where can I download the NCERT solutions Class 6 Science chapter 7?
Ans: Students can download the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Science on Embibe.

Q.3: What is the function of stem tendril?
Ans: Stems of some plants are modified to form unique structures called tendrils. Tendrils help plants such as climbers, which have weak branches. They attach themselves to other supports, tree trunks, walls etc. For example, Passionflower and grapes have tendrils.

Q.4: Are the NCERT solutions available for on Embibe?
Yes, the NCERT solutions are available for on Embibe.

Q.5: What is the root system in Class 6?
Ans: The two primary functions of the root are:
(a) Anchorage: Roots anchor or fix the plant to the soil and provide mechanical support to the aerial part of the plant.
(b) Absorption: Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil in almost all the land plants.

Adaptive Practice with Solutions To Help You Ace Important Topics for 6th NCERT Science