• Written By Monica_Kumari
  • Last Modified 10-01-2025

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Analysis 2025: Mains Analysis


IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Analysis 2025: The IBPS RRB Clerk Mains exam will conducted probably in September 2025. Embibe has prepared the exam analysis for the Mains exam after gathering data and responses from candidates who appeared in the morning shift of the exam. The Mains exam was of easy to moderate level with 125 to 132 good attempts.

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Candidates preparing for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant exam should review the exam analysis to understand the difficulty level of the various sections of the examination and also to get an idea of the overall good attempts. Scroll down to read more on IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Analysis 2025.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Analysis 2024

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2024 For 6th October – All Shifts Exam Review
Candidates can check the IBPS RRB Clerk mains exam analysis 2024 for shifts 1, and 2 here. The IBPS RRB Clerk Mains exam was easy to moderate difficulty level. Check the difficulty level data and good attempts from the table below:

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2024 – 6th October (Shift 1)

Here’s the detailed IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Analysis for 6th October 2024 – Shift 1, including good attempts and difficulty level for each section. This will help candidates compare their performance and gain insights into the exam.

Overall Exam Analysis:

SectionsTotal QuestionsGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability4020 to 25Easy to Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude4020 to 25Easy to Moderate
English Language4019 to 24Easy to Moderate
Computer Knowledge4030 to 34Easy to Moderate
General Awareness4018 to 22Tough
Overall200107 to 130Moderate

Section-wise Exam Analysis:

1. Reasoning Ability:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Age Puzzle (8 persons, 8 years)5
Month Puzzle (10 months, 10 meetings)5
Circular Seating (6 persons facing center, each like different animals)5
Linear Seating (9 persons facing north & south, single variable)4
Uncertain Persons Linear Seating (north facing, single variable)5
Floor with Flat Puzzle (3 floors, 2 flats, 6 persons liking different fruits)5
Forward-Backward (Exhaustion)1
Syllogism (3 statements, 3 conclusions)3
Condition Based Letter Coding4
Data Sufficiency (2 statements)2
  • Reasoning Ability had a mix of easy to moderate puzzles. The age puzzle and month puzzle were simpler, but the uncertain persons linear seating was more complex. Syllogism and letter coding were also on the easier side.

2. Quantitative Aptitude:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Table DI6
Line with Table DI6
Caselet DI (Sold & Unsold)6
Wrong Number Series4
Application Sums12
  • The Quantitative Aptitude section was easy to moderate. The simplification and DI questions were manageable. The wrong number series required some careful calculations, but overall, this section was doable.

Wrong Number Series Example:

  1. 432, 862, 288, 576, 192, 384, 128
    Answer: 862
    (The series alternates between multiplication by 2 and division by 3.)
  2. 6, 10, 37, 53, 178, 216, 557
    Answer: 216
    (The series follows a pattern of addition with squares and cubes.)

3. English Language:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (2 friends discussing work pressure & hobbies)10
Para Jumbles5
Correct Usage of the Word (3 statements with 1 highlighted word)2
Error Spotting5
Vocabulary (Match the Column – Antonyms, Synonyms)3
Para Fillers (Para Completion)4
Cloze Test5
Inappropriate Word5
Idioms & Phrases1
  • The English Language section was easy to moderate. The reading comprehension was about work pressure & hobbies, which was relatively simple. Error spotting, para jumbles, and vocabulary questions were also manageable. The idioms & phrases question was quite straightforward.

4. Computer Knowledge:

TopicsNo. of Questions
MS Word5
Image File Extension5
Shortcut Key5
New Slide in MS Powerpoint5
  • The Computer Knowledge section was easy to moderate. Topics like MS Word, Bit/Byte, Image file extensions, and shortcut keys were asked in a clear and straightforward manner.

5. General Awareness:

TopicsNo. of Questions
GST Council5
Jeevan Raksha5
Full Form of SAHAR5
Global PSU Award5
IPL & Team Members5
  • The General Awareness section was tough. Questions covered topics like GST Council, Jeevan Raksha, SAHAR, Global PSU Award, and IPL & Team Members. Candidates found this section challenging due to its focus on current affairs and specific knowledge.


The IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam for 6th October – Shift 1 had a moderate overall difficulty level. The Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, and Computer Knowledge sections were manageable for most candidates, with a mix of easy to moderate questions. However, the General Awareness section posed a significant challenge due to the wide range of current affairs topics.

Candidates who attempted 107 to 130 questions with accuracy are likely to have performed well in this shift.

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2024 – 6th October (Shift 2)

Below is the detailed IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Analysis for 6th October 2024 – Shift 2, including good attempts and difficulty level for each section. Candidates can compare their performance with the analysis provided.

Overall Exam Analysis:

SectionsTotal QuestionsGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability4028 to 33Easy
Quantitative Aptitude4017 to 24Easy to Moderate
English Language4022 to 27Moderate
Computer Knowledge4021 to 26Easy to Moderate
General Awareness4014 to 20Tough
Overall200112 to 128Moderate

Section-wise Exam Analysis:

1. Reasoning Ability:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Floor Puzzle5
Month Puzzle5
Linear Seating5
Order Ranking4
Data Sufficiency4
  • Reasoning Ability was easy in this shift. It featured a mix of puzzles (floor, month, and linear seating), syllogism, coding-decoding, and data sufficiency. Candidates found the puzzles relatively straightforward.

2. Quantitative Aptitude:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Quadratic Equations4
Caselet DI (2 sets)7
Table DI (2 sets)10
Application Sums13
  • The Quantitative Aptitude section ranged from easy to moderate. There were approximation questions and quadratic equations that were manageable, but the caselet DI and application sums required a bit more calculation.

3. English Language:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (2 sets)12
Error Spotting3
Word Rearrangement4
Cloze Test8
  • The English Language section was of moderate difficulty. It consisted of reading comprehension (2 sets) and other topics like error spotting, synonyms/antonyms, and word rearrangement.

4. Computer Knowledge:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Shortcut Key5
Operating System5
Others (e.g., Malware)5
  • Computer Knowledge was easy to moderate. Questions included shortcut keys, operating systems, and viruses, which candidates found manageable.

5. General Awareness:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Academy Awards5
Football Awards5
Others (e.g., Sports)5
  • The General Awareness section was considered tough. Questions covered a variety of topics such as the Academy Awards, Tennis, Football Awards, and Budget, requiring candidates to be well-prepared on current affairs and general knowledge.


The IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam for 6th October – Shift 2 had an overall moderate difficulty level. The Reasoning Ability and Computer Knowledge sections were relatively easier, while Quantitative Aptitude and English Language posed some moderate challenges. The General Awareness section was the most difficult, requiring candidates to be well-versed in current events and general knowledge.

Candidates who attempted around 112 to 128 questions with accuracy were considered to have done well in this shift.

Steps To Take IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Mock Test

Access the unlimited IBPS RRB Office Assistant mock test from Embibe and boost your confidence to face the examination. Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to take the mock test series:

  • 1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e.,Embibe.
  • 2nd Step: Use your mobile number/email to log in.
  • 3rd Step: Select your Goal as ‘Banking’ under the Government Job section.
  • 4th Step: Click Next and select ‘IBPS RRB Office Assistant’.
  • 5th Step: Click Next and select your preferred language.
  • 6th Step: Once done, click on the mock test links to take the TEST.

Previous Year IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis:

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Analysis 2022

The IBPS RRB Clerk Mains exam was of easy to moderate difficulty level. Check the difficulty level data and good attempts from the table below:

S NoSectionGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
1English Language/Hindi22-23Easy to Moderate
2Reasoning31-33Easy to Moderate
3Quantitative Aptitude22-25Easy to Moderate
4General Awareness25-28Moderate 
5Computer Knowledge27-29Easy
Overall Attempts125-132Easy to Moderate

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IBPS RRB Clerk Mains 2022 Section-wise Analysis

Embibe has provided the section-wise analysis for the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains exam by gathering data from candidates who appeared for the Mains morning shift exam. The section-wise analysis is given in this article below.

English Language Analysis

The English Language section consisted of 40 marks and had 40 questions. According to the applicants who appeared in the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam, the English Language section was moderately difficult. Let us look at the detailed IBPS PO exam analysis.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Reading Comprehension12Moderate
Misspelt2Easy to Moderate
Fillers6Easy to Moderate
Error Detection5Moderate
Cloze Test6Easy to Moderate
Sentence Rearrangement5Easy to Moderate
Misc. Questions4Moderate

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Hindi Analysis

The Hindi Language section consisted of 40 marks and had 40 questions. According to the applicants who appeared in the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam, The Hindi Language section was of moderate difficulty level. Let us look at the detailed IBPS RRB Officer Assistant Mains exam analysis.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
रिक्त स्थान पूर्ति10Moderate
वाक्यों में त्रुटी चयन4Moderate
रिक्त स्थान5Moderate
पर्यायवाची / विलोम / समानार्थी5Easy to Moderate
अव्यवस्थित वाक्य खण्डों को सुव्यवस्थित करना5Easy to Moderate

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Reasoning Analysis

The Reasoning section carries a total of 40 marks and has 40 questions. According to the applicants who appeared for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam, the reasoning section was of easy to moderate difficulty level. Following are the topics and the difficulty level that appeared in the reasoning section of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Sequencing Based Puzzle4Moderate
Circular Based Seating Arrangement (11 Persons facing Centre)5Easy to Moderate
Linear Seating Arrangement (9 Persons – facing South & North)5Easy to Moderate
Day-Based Puzzle (Colours)6Moderate
Designation-Based Puzzle (City)6Easy to Moderate
Uncertain Number of Persons4Easy to Moderate
Direction Sense Test4Easy
Blood Relation1Easy to Moderate
Total40Easy to Moderate

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Quantitative Aptitude Analysis

The Quantitative Aptitude section carries a total of 40 marks and has 40 questions. According to the applicants who appeared in the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam, The Quantitative Aptitude section was moderately difficult.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Arithmetic( Percentage, P&L, Milk, Speed, Distance, Time, Partnership, Train, Mensuration)10Moderate
Quantity I & Quantity Based Questions5Easy to Moderate
Caselet DI5Moderate
Tabular Data Interpretation5Moderate
Mixed Graph(Pie Chart + Line Graph) Data Interpretation5Moderate
Quadratic Equation5Moderate
Missing Number Series5Easy to Moderate

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Computer Knowledge Analysis

The Computer Knowledge section had 40 questions for 40 marks. The level of this section in the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam 2022 was of Easy to Moderate level, most of the questions basic knowledge of computer & its application. Some of the questions/topics asked are as follows:

  1. MS Office
  2. Shortcut Key
  3. Binary to Decimal
  4. Operating System
  5. MAC Address
  6. Common Pointing Device
  7. Window 7 launch
Practice IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I Prelims

General Awareness Analysis

The General/ Financial/ Banking Awareness section had 40 questions for 40 marks. Most of the questions were from the current affairs of the last 8 to 9 months. Some of the questions that were asked are as follows:

  1. When is the National Unity Day celebrated?:  31st October 
  2. Former Vice President – M V Naidu
  3. PMEGP will be a central sector scheme to be administered by:  The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME).
  4. Who won the Royal Gold Medal 2022 – Balkrishna Doshi
  5. KYC full form: Know Your Customer
  6. Which country was not included in QUAD? France
  7. Meaning of Money Laundering is: the process of concealing the origin of money
  8. Delhi lieutenant governor: Vinai Kumar Saxena
  9. PM Narendra Modi opens world’s first Nano Urea Plant at: Kalol in Gujarat
  10. WHo is the President of Pakistan: Arif Alvi
  11. Who is the current Chief of Army Staff? – General Manoj Pande
  12. Which team did India defeated in Thomas Cup? Indonesia
  13. IGST is related to: Goods and Services Tax
  14. Who is the current Director-General of the World Health Organization: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
  15. Who is the Chief Economic Advisor to the Government of India: V Anantha Nageswaran
  16. IGSRY
  17. Scheduled banks are listed in which schedule of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Act, 1934? 2nd Schedule 
  18. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana is part of: National Rural Livelihood Mission
  19. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is related to: welfare of girl child
  20. Vigilance Awareness week 2022 will be observed: from 31st October to 6th November, 2022 
  21. Asia Cup 2022 was held in: United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  22. Which of the following is not a NATO member: Ukraine
  23. Mahatma Gandhi Setuis a bridge over which river: Ganga river 
  24. TSX full form: Toronto Stock Exchange
  25. India Invites Ukraine
  26. Senior Citizen Scheme
  27. Dhanu festival is celebrated in: Odisha
  28. Cotopaxi is an active stratovolcano in:  Latacunga city
  29. Who is the current Foreign Secretary of India: Shri Vinay Kwatra
  30.  The ABHA app allows users to link their: health records, – public health programmes to insurance schemes to ABHA number and access health records at anytime, anywhere
  31. NFHS stands for: National Family Health Survey
  32. What is the maximum age for giving primary education under Article 45 of India Constitution? 14 years
  33. Who is the founder of Apple Company? Tim Cook
  34. ‘Program AVSAR’ was launched by:  Airport Authority of India (AAI)

IBPS Office Assistant Mains Analysis 2021 (October 17, 2021)

The overall difficulty of the IBPS RRB PO mains exam conducted on October 17, 2021, was easy to moderate. The table below shows the overall difficulty level as well as the number of good attempts for each section:

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Difficulty Level 2021
SectionsDifficulty Level
English LanguageModerate
Reasoning AbilityModerate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
General AwarenessTough
Hindi LanguageEasy to Moderate
Computer KnowledgeEasy to Moderate
Overall Difficulty LevelModerate
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Good Attempts
SectionsNo. of Good Attempts
English Language26-29
Reasoning Ability31-33
Quantitative Aptitude29-32
General Awareness12-14
Hindi Language26-29
Computer Knowledge22-26
Overall Good Attempt125-132

Section-wise IBPS RRB Mains Analysis 2021

Go through section-wise IBPS RRB Clerk analysis of Mains 2021 exam from the table below:

Quantitative Aptitude Exam Analysis

The quantitative aptitude section is given with 40 questions for 50 marks. The overall difficulty of the section is moderate.

Quantitative Aptitude Topics AskedNumber of Questions Asked
Tabular Data Interpretation5
Case let Data Interpretation5
Line Graph Data Interpretation6
Quadratic Equation5
Reasoning Ability Exam Analysis

The Reasoning Ability section is given 40 questions for 50 marks. The overall difficulty of the section is moderate.

Reasoning Topics AskedNumber of Questions Asked
Parallel Row Arrangement (14 persons)5
Circular Seating Arrangement (Inside | 10 Persons)5
3 Month/2 Date based Puzzle with City5
11 Persons/11 Posts (Ascending Order) Based Puzzle5
Blood relation2
Direction Sense3
Letter Based Order and Ranking1
Machine Input/Output5
English Language Exam Analysis

English Language section is given 40 questions for 40 marks. The overall difficulty of the section is moderate.

English Language Topic AskedNumber of Questions Asked
Reading Comprehension9
Para jumbled5
Sentence Correction4
Phrase Replacement8
Cloze Test5
Word Usage3
Hindi Exam Analysis

The Hindi Language section is conducted for 40 questions of 40 marks. The overall difficulty of the section was easy to moderate.

Topics AskedNumber of Questions
Reading Comprehension9
Error Detection5
Sentence Arrangement 5
Cloze test5
Word Exchange4-5 
Fill in the blanks5
General/Financial Awareness Exam Analysis 

This section was conducted for 40 marks. The overall difficulty of the section was difficult.

Candidates who appeared for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Exam 2021 found the General Awareness Section challenging. A majority of questions based on current affairs were asked, covering from March to September 2021. Some of the topics that were addressed in the exam were:

  • SDG Index-Based
  • National Statistics Days
  • NARCL Bad Bank
  • Global Live Index (Top 5 Cities)
  • Global Cyber Security Index of India
  • National Savings Certificate (Interest Rate)
  • Ranking of Our Current FM as per the Forbes
  • Youngest Grandmaster in Chess
  • Full Form of OPC
  • Full Form of HAM
  • Olympic Swimmer Category/Style of Swimming
  • Questions on Milkha Singh
  • CA (Chartered Accountant) Act-based question
Computer Aptitude Exam Analysis

The computer aptitude section is given 40 questions for 40 marks. Around 15 questions were very easy. The overall difficulty of the section was easy to moderate.

IBPS Office Assistant Prelims Analysis 2021

The exam analysis is explained here by considering the recent IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims exam conducted on August 8 and August 14, 2021. Also, we have provided the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Paper Analysis for previous years.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims Difficulty Level

The IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims exam was conducted on August 8 and August 14, 2021, at the designated exam centres across various states. As per the exam analysis, both sections were easy to moderate to attempt.

Here, we have enlisted the section-wise difficulty level in the table below. Candidates must go through the same for better understanding.

SubjectNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability40Easy
Quantitative Aptitide40Easy

Section-wise IBPS RRB Prelims Analysis 2021

After conducting the examination, many students explained their good attempts in the Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude sections. Here, we have mentioned the number of questions and good attempts section-wise. Candidates should thoroughly check the table below to understand the same subject better.

SectionsNo. of QuestionsGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability4035-36
Quantitative Aptitude4033-34
Quantitative Aptitude Exam Analysis

As per the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims exam analysis, the quantitative aptitude section was easy to moderate to attempt. There were 40 questions in the said section, consisting of various topics. Here, we have enlisted the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis for the quantitative aptitude section. Candidates must diligently go through the table given below to know more about the same.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Wrong Number Series5Easy
Line Graph DI5Easy
Tabular DI5Easy
Reasoning Ability Exam Analysis

According to the students’ reviews, the reasoning section in the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims exam was easy to moderate to attempt. A total of 40 questions were there in the IBPS RRB Clerk examination. Here, we have mentioned the exam analysis for the reasoning ability section, including difficulty level. Candidates must check the table given below for a better understanding.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Box based puzzles5Easy
Flat Floor Seating Arrangement5Easy
Designation Based Puzzle5Moderate
Uncertain Sitting Linear5Moderate
Syllogism (3 statement + 2 conclusion)5Easy
Letter Series5Easy
Blood Relation2Easy
Numeric Series4Easy

IBPS RRB Clerk Year-wise Analysis

The year-wise analysis will help candidates have a better understanding of the exam. The IBPS RRB Office Assistant Paper Analysis for previous years is provided below.:

Year-wise Analysis for Reasoning

The following table depicts the topic-wise analysis of the Reasoning section:

Reasoning – Topics201720182019
Puzzles/ Seating Arrangement10 10 10
Blood Relation2 33
Syllogism54 4
Coding and Decoding5 53
Alpha-Numeric Series554
Direction Sense Test 1 22
Miscellaneous questions 7 79

Year-wise Analysis for Numerical Ability

The following table depicts the topic-wise analysis of the Numerical Ability section:

Numerical Ability – Topics201720182019
Data Interpretation5 1010
Number Series
(Missing Number/Wrong Number Series)
5 55
Quadratic Equations5
Miscellaneous Word Problems151010
Data Sufficiency/ Quantity Comparison

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

IBPS RRB Prelims exam is conducted in a computer-based mode. Let’s go through the detailed exam pattern below:

SectionsNumber of QuestionsMaximum Marks
Numerical Ability4040
  • The total time duration of the exam is 45 minutes.
  • One mark is awarded for every correct answer.
  • For every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks are deducted from the total score.

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

Check out the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Pattern in detail from the table below:


No. of Qs

Max Marks





Composite time of 2 Hours

Quantitative Aptitude



General Awareness



English/Hindi Language



Computer Knowledge






IBPS RRB Clerk Expected Cutoff 2022

Check out an expected cutoff for IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2022 exam:

CategoryIBPS RRB Clerk Expected Cutoff 
SC/ST 55-60

FAQs on IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2025

Here, we have enlisted some of the most important frequently asked questions related to the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Analysis 2025. Candidates must go through these questions and answers to clear out their doubts regarding the same subject.

Q. What is the overall difficulty level of the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam 2024 for Shift 1?

Ans: The overall difficulty level of the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains 2024 for Shift 1 is moderate. The exam included a mix of easy to moderate questions across all sections. Some sections like Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and Computer Knowledge were manageable, while General Awareness posed a tougher challenge.

Q. What are the overall good attempts of the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam 2024 for Shift 1?

Ans: The overall good attempts for IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam 2024 – Shift 1 range from 107 to 130 questions. This range indicates the number of questions that a candidate should ideally attempt to ensure a good chance of success.

Q. What is the total number of questions for the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Examination 2024?

Ans: The total number of questions in the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Examination 2024 is 200 questions, divided across five sections.

Q. Is there a negative marking in IBPS RRB Clerk?

Ans: Yes, there is negative marking in the IBPS RRB Clerk exam. For every wrong answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted. This means candidates need to be cautious while attempting questions and avoid guessing.

Q. How many sections are there in IBPS RRB Clerk Mains?

Ans: The IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam has a total of 5 sections:
Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Computer Knowledge and General Awareness. Each section tests different skills, and the time allotted is divided among them.

Q. What are the benefits of IBPS RRB Clerk exam analysis? 
Ans: Reading exam analysis helps the candidates to understand the question type and difficulty level of the IBPS RRB Clerk question paper.

Q. Are state-wise cutoff marks released for IBPS RRB Clerk exam 2024?
Ans: Yes, the state-wise cutoff marks were released for the IBPS RRB Clerk exam 2024. Candidates can visit the official website for details.

Q. What is the IBPS RRB Selection Process for Office Assistants?
Ans: The selection process for IBPS RRB Office Assistant comprises prelims and main exams.

Q. What is IBPS RRB Office Assistant?
Ans: The IBPS RRB Clerk exam is conducted to recruit candidates for the post of Office Assistant, who will form the backbone of the day-to-day activities in the various Regional Rural Banks of the country.

Candidates can also check –

IBPS RRB Office Assistant PrelimsIBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains
IBPS RRB Office Assistant SyllabusIBPS RRB Office Assistant Admit Card

We have provided all the relevant details on IBPS RRB Office Assistant Paper Analysis 2025. Stay tuned to embibe.com for the latest news and updates on IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2025 exam!

Your Fastest Path to Reduce Silly Mistakes; Take Mock Tests for IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam