Goa Board Class 8

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  • Written by gnanambigai
  • Last Modified on 2-02-2023
  • Written by gnanambigai
  • Last Modified on 2-02-2023

Goa Board Class 8 Exam 2023

About Exam

The Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) is the major state board of education in the Indian state of Goa. It is in charge of secondary and higher secondary education at its affiliated institutions. The Goa, Daman and Diu Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board Act, 1975, created the board on May 27, 1975.

GBSHSE conducts the Class 10 (SSC) and Class 12 (HSSC) exams yearly. The state government runs it and also grants school affiliations. In this article, students preparing for the Goa Board Class 8 exam can find everything they need to know about preparing for their classes and passing the Goa Board Class 8 exam.

Goa Board Class 8 Exam 2023 Exam Summary

Goa’s school examination body is the Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE). The GBSHSE administers secondary and upper secondary examinations in Goa’s affiliated schools. The Goa school exam board has the authority to alter the secondary and upper secondary examination curriculum/ syllabus in addition to administering exams.

GBSHSE conducts the Goa Board Class 8 final examinations in February or March. To pass the GEE, students must score at least 33% in each subject and 33% aggregate marks. Students can check the Goa Board Class 8 exam highlights below:

Particulars Details
Exam Name Goa Board Secondary School Certificate Examination
Short Exam Name Goa Board SSC
Conducting Body Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
Frequency of Conduct Annually
Exam Level Middle
Mode of Exam Offline
Exam Duration 2 Hours 30 Minutes

Goa Board Class 8 Exam 2023 Official Website Link


Goa Board Class 8 Exam Syllabus 2023

Exam Syllabus

Here is the syllabus for all five subjects of Class 8 Goa Board:

  • Goa Class 8 Mathematics
  • Goa Class 8 Science
  • Goa Class 8 Social Science
  • Goa Class 8 English
  • Goa Class 8 Hindi

Goa Class 8 Mathematics Syllabus

The chapters included in the syllabus for Goa Class 8 Maths are tabulated below:

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Mathematics
Chapters Name of the Chapters
Chapter 1 Rational Numbers
Chapter 2 Linear Equation in One Variable
Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals
Chapter 4 Practical Geometry
Chapter 5 Data Handling
Chapter 6 Square and Square Roots
Chapter 7 Cube and Cube Roots
Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities
Chapter 9 Algebraic Expressions and Identities
Chapter 10 Visualising Solid Shapes
Chapter 11 Mensuration
Chapter 12 Exponents and Powers
Chapter 13 Direct and Indirect Proportions
Chapter 14 Factorisation
Chapter 15 Introduction to Graphs
Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Science

As mentioned above, Goa recommends NCERT books. As per the NCERT textbook of Science for class 8, the different chapters included in the Goa syllabus for class 8 Science are tabulated below:

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Science
Chapters Name of the Chapters
Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management
Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend or Foe
Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals
Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum
Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame
Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals
Chapter 8 Cell – Structure and Functions
Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals
Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Chapter 11 Force and Pressure
Chapter 12 Friction
Chapter 13 Sound
Chapter 14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena
Chapter 16 Lights
Chapter 17 Stars and the Solar System
Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water


Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Social Science:

The Goa Syllabus for Class 8 History:

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 History
Chapters Name of the Chapters
Chapter 1 How, When and Where
Chapter 2 From Trade to Territory
Chapter 3 Ruling the Countryside
Chapter 4 Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of the Golden Age
Chapter 5 When People Rebel
Chapter 6 Colonialism and the City
Chapter 7 Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners
Chapter 8 Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation
Chapter 9 Women, Caste and Reform
Chapter 10 The Changing World of Visual Arts
Chapter 11 The Making of the National Movement 1870s-1945
Chapter 12 India after Independence

Students can Check the Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Geography:

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Geography
Chapters Name of the Chapters
Chapter 1 Resources
Chapter 2 Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
Chapter 3 Mineral and Power Resources
Chapter 4 Agriculture
Chapter 5 Industries
Chapter 6 Human Resources

The Goa Syllabus for Class 8 Civics/Political Science:

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Civics/Political Science
Chapters Name of the Chapters
Unit One: The Indian Constitution and Secularism
Chapter 1 The Indian Constitution
Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism
Unit Two: Parliament and the Making of Laws
Chapter 3 Why do we need a Parliament?
Chapter 4 Understanding Laws
Unit Three: The Judiciary
Chapter 5 Judiciary
Chapter 6 Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
Unit Four: Social Justice and the Marginalised
Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalism
Chapter 8 Confronting Marginalism
Unit Five: Economic Presence of the Government
Chapter 9 Public Facilities
Chapter 10 Law and Social Justice

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 English

English for Class 8 Goa is divided into two parts:

a. English Literature

b. English Grammar & Composition

The Goa Class 8 English Literature section is based on a main textbook of English and a supplementary reader in English. Let us see what all are included in each of the two books.

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 English (Honeydew)
Chapters Name of the Chapters
Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World
Poem The Ant and the Cricket
Chapter 2 The Tsunami
Poem Geography Lesson
Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past
Poem Macavity: The Mystery Cat
Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
Poem The Last Bargain
Chapter 5 The Summit Within
Poem The School Boy
Chapter 6 This is Jody’s Fawn
Poem The Duck and the Kangaroos
Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge
Poem When I set out for Lyonnesse
Chapter 8 A Short Monsoon Diary
Poem On the Grasshopper and Cricket
Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face – I
Chapter 10 The Great Stone Face – II

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 English(It So Happened)
Chapters Name of the Chapters
Chapter 1 How the Camel got his Hump
Chapter 2 Children at work
Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant
Chapter 4 The Treasure within
Chapter 5 Princess September
Chapter 6 The Fight
Chapter 7 The Open Window
Chapter 8 Jalebis
Chapter 9 The Comet – I
Chapter 10 The Comet – II

The English Grammar and Composition section is also subdivided into two parts: English Grammar and English Composition (Writing). The detailed syllabus of these two sections of Goa Class 8 are as under:

English Grammar Syllabus For Goa Class 8:

The Class 8 English grammar syllabus 2021 has the following topics:

Unit Name of the Unit
a Order of Words and Clauses
b Direct and Indirect Speech
c Active and Passive Voice
d Tenses
e Noun
f Pronoun
g Verb
h Adverb
i Prepositions
j Conjunction
k Phrases and Idioms
l Vocabulary
m Comprehension Reading

The English Composition section tests your writing skills in English. The English Composition syllabus has the following topics:

Unit Name of the Unit
a Notice
b Story
c Formal and Informal Letters
d Diary Entry
e Essay

Syllabus for Goa
Class 8 Hindi

The syllabus for Goa Class 8 Hindi can be broadly categorised into two parts:

  1. Hindi Literature
  2. Hindi Grammar and Composition


The syllabus for Goa Class 8 Hindi Literature is based on the following three books:

  1. Durva – Bhag 3 (Dwitiya Bhasha)
  2. Text Book in Hindi Vasant – Bhag 3
  3. Bharat Ki Khoj (Supplementary)


Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Hindi Literature: Vasant

Chapters Name of the Chapters
1 ध्वनि (कविता)
2 लाख की चूड़िया (कहानी)
3 बस की यात्रा
4 दीवानों की हस्ती (कविता)
5 चिट्ठियों की अनूठी दुनिया (निबंध)
6 भगवान के डाकिए (कविता)
7 क्या निराश हुआ जाए (निबंध)
8 यह सब से कठिन समय नहीं (कविता)
9 कबीर की साखियाँ
10 कामचोर (कहानी)
11 जब सिनेमा ने बोलना सीखा
12 सुदामा चरित (कविता)
13 जहाँ पहिया है
14 अकबरी लोटा (कहानी)
15 सूर के पद (कविता)
16 पानी की कहानी (निबंध)
17 बाज और साँप (कहानी)
18 टोपी (कहानी)

Syllabus For Goa Class 8 Hindi Literature: Durva

Chapters Name of the Chapters
1 गुड़िया
2 दो गोरैया
3 चिट्ठियों में यूरोप
4 ओस
5 नाटक में नाटक
6 सागर यात्रा
7 उठ किसान ओ
8 सस्ते का चक्कर
9 एक खिलाडी की कुछ यादें
10 बस की सैर
11 हिंदी ने जिनकी जिंदगी बदल दी
12 आषाढ़ का पहला दिन
13 अन्याय के खिलाफ
14 बच्चो के प्रिय श्री केशव शंकर पिल्लई
15 फर्श पर
16 बड़ी अम्मा की बात
17 वह सुबह कभी तो आएगी
18 आओ पत्रिका निकालें
19 आहवान

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Hindi Literature: Bharat Ki Khoj

Chapters Name of the Chapters
1 अहमदनगर का किला
2 तलाश
3 सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता
4 युगों का दौर
5 नयी समस्याएँ
6 अंतिम दौर -एक
7 अंतिम दौर -दो
8 तनाव
9 दो पृष्ठभूमियाँ – भारतीय और अंग्रेज़ी

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Hindi Grammar & Composition

Chapters Name of the Chapters
1 पुनरुक्ति शब्द
2 वाक्यनिर्माण
3 संज्ञा
4 विशेषण
5 कारक
6 अनेकार्थीशब्द
7 विभक्ति
8 प्रत्यय
9 शब्द परिवार
10 संधि
11 समास
12 द्वंद्व
13 उपसर्ग
14 अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
15 मुहावरे
16 समानार्थी

Syllabus for Goa Class 8 Hindi Composition includes:

  1. Essay (निबंध)

  2. Letter Writing (पत्र लेखन)

Study Plan to Maximise Score

Study Plan to Maximise Score

Are you preparing for the Goa Board Class 8 Exam and badly need a study plan to help you score maximum in this exam? A study plan is essential for all students who wish to do well in the examination.

To help students make the most of their time and efforts, we have designed a study plan to help them maximise their exam scores. We hope that this study plan will be of help to students as they prepare for their exams.

Preparation Tips

Here are 5 tips that will help you ace your Goa Board Class 8 exam:

  1. Complete sample papers: By solving more sample papers, students will be able to understand the concepts easily. It will also help you keep track of how much time you’ve spent and whether or not the questions you’ve attempted are accurate.
  2. Time management: Students will profit from effective time management if they complete their exam papers on time, avoiding last-minute anxiety and stress. This may be accomplished by students developing a timetable that allows sufficient time for each topic.
  3. Make writing answers a habit: Even if you know the answers in your head, you must always write them down. Make a list of the steps you’ll need to tackle the problem while you’re practising. Having strong writing abilities will come in help while dealing with social science and mathematical difficulties. You will find that such techniques make your math look simple to you.
  4. Arrange themes and concepts in order of importance: Make a list of all the important concepts and formulae to help you remember them. If students highlight the important concepts or make short notes, then it will be easier for them to revise on a regular basis and in the last minute preparation.
  5. Concentrate on SCERT: The SCERT Syllabus should not be neglected at any cost. It covers the most relevant and important topics or questions that can be practised.

Detailed Study Plan

Here is the detailed study plan that students may follow to ease their preparation:

  1. Create and stick to a study schedule for the whole semester. To get more done in less time, use time management strategies like the Intense Study Session and 3-part planning.
  2. Swap subjects if at all possible. For example, one hour of Science followed by one hour of Mathematics.) Switching between different study strategies such as the PARROT Method for textbook reading, Concept Mapping, Note Cards, practise problems, and so on is also a good idea (do not study a subject in the same way for too long).
  3. Select a location that allows you to concentrate and is of distractions (no instant messages, cell phones, TV).
  4. Take systematic notes using 2-page Note Format, Concept Maps, and other organisational tools. Make a lot of review sessions (short and frequent is better than one long cram session).
  5. Avoid studying on the day of the exam instead Schedule several revision sessions before the test; short but frequent revision sessions are better than a single large cram session. The night before, go through the major points again.
  6. Take a deep breath and relax, forgetting about the people in your near surroundings. Make sure you completely read the instructions. Determine the various types of questions, the number of points each one is worth, and whether or not you have a choice of questions to answer, among other things. Set out time for each type of question, with additional time for verification. Start with the easy questions and work your way up to the more challenging ones.
  7. Read the question again to make sure you understand everything. Don’t be scared to circle a question and return to it later if you want to skip it. If everything else fails and you’re left with no alternative but to guess, choose the one that makes the most sense to you.
  8. Evaluate the situation: What went well? What might have been done differently? Examine the types of mistakes you made after giving the exam (didn’t comprehend the subject, particular types of problems, silly mistakes?). Next time, make an effort to try something new and learn from your mistakes.

FAQs on Goa Board Class 8 Exam

Freaquently Asked Questions

Q1.How can I get full marks in Maths class 8?
A. The best strategies to prepare for the Goa board 8 exams are to solve mock test series, sample papers, take brief notes, prepare effectively, and revise every day.

Q2. Is there a platform where I can solve Goa 8th standard mock questions?
A. Yes, you may utilise Embibe to take practise examinations in Class 8. You will also receive a detailed analysis of your mock tests.

Q3. How can I prepare for the Class 8 examinations?
A. Going through the NCERT books one by one is one of the greatest strategies to prepare for your Class 8 examinations. You may download Embibe to take subject-specific mock examinations once you’ve completed the whole course. It will aid you in getting a good grade.

Q4. Which book is best for Maths in Class 8?
A. RS Aggarwal is the best book for Maths in Class 8.

Q5. How many hours should I study?
A. Starting in week 1, it is advised that you devote 2-3 hours per credit per week to your study (4 hours per credit per week for Math programmes). For a 3-unit course, this translates to 6-9 hours of study time each week. This includes time spent on any course-related activity (e.g., reading, reviewing, preparing for an exam, working on an assignment, writing a paper, etc.) but excludes time spent in lectures, tutorials, or laboratories.

Q6. How to download Goa Board Textbooks PDF 8th Class?
A. Students can download the Goa Board Konkani Textbooks Class 8th from the link: https://scert.goa.gov.in/?page_id=302

List of Educational Institutions for Goa Board

About Exam

Here is the list of Top State Board Schools of Goa:

  1. Adarsh High School
  2. Adarsh V.V. High School
  3. AJD Almeida High School
  4. Bal Priya Educational School
  5. Kendriya Vidyalaya I.N.S, Mandovi, Verem, Bardez. 
  6. Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bambolim, Tiswadi. 
  7. Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ponda. 
  8. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Canacona – Goa.
  9. Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1 Mangor Hill, Vasco, Goa Varunapuri. 
  10. Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 Shantinagar Vasco.
  11. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Valpoi – Goa. 
  12. Govt. High School, Agarwada, Pernem. 
  13. Hutatma Bapu Gawas Memorial Govt. High School, Chandel, Pernem. 
  14. Govt. High School, Torxem, Pernem. 
  15. Govt. High School, Gothanwada, Ozari, Pernem. 
  16. Govt. High School, Menkurem, Bicholim, P.O. Colvale. 
  17. Govt. High School, Pissurlem, Sattari. 
  18. Govt. High School, Shigao, Collem, Dharbandora. 
  19. Late Narendra A. Mayekar, Govt. High School, Headland, Sada, Vasco. 
  20. Harmal Panchakroshi High School, Harmal, Pernem

Future Exams After Goa Board Class 8


Here is a list of a few future exams which students can give after Class 8:

Future Exams Conducting Body
National Talent Search Examination or NTSE National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
National Level Science Talent Search Exam or NLSTSE Unified Council
Indian National Olympiad (INO) Jointly conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) & Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE)
Science Olympiad Foundation Science Olympiad Foundation
Silverzone Olympiads Conducted by:Silverzone Foundation.
National Interactive Maths Olympiad or NIMO Eduheal Foundation
National Biotechnology Olympiad or NBO Eduheal foundation
Asset (Assessment of Scholastic Skills Through Educational Testing) Educational Initiatives Pvt. Ltd.
International Olympiad of English Language (iOEL) CBSE/ICSE and the State Boards
SKGKO – SmartKid General Knowledge Olympiad CBSE/ICSE and the State Boards
iSSO – International Social Studies Olympiad CBSE/ICSE and the State Boards
The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) Science Olympiad Foundation

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