SBI PO Application Form 2025: The State Bank of India (SBI) released the official notification for SBI PO 2025 exam to be conducted on 8th...
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February 3, 2025IBPS PO Final Cutoff 2025: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released IBPS PO Cutoff Marks 2024-25 for the final exam on April , 2025. The IBPS Probationary Officer cutoff has been announced after each stage. The final cutoff marks have been calculated using the combined scores from the Mains Examination and Interview. Candidates can check the qualifying marks from the official website –, or directly from this page.
*Steps to access the mock tests are given in this article below.
The cutoff marks have been announced along with the IBPS PO exam scorecard 2024-25. IBPS has conducted the Prelims exam on October , 2025, and the Mains exam on November, 2025. Read this article to know the IBPS PO qualifying marks for each stage.
Latest: The IBPS PO Final 2022-23 result is available now. Candidates can check their results here.
There are three phases in the recruitment process of IBPS PO (Management Trainee), namely, the Prelims, Mains and Personal Interview. Both IBPS PO Prelims and Mains have two different kinds of cutoffs: Section-wise Cutoffs and Overall Cutoffs. The cutoffs of each phase must be cleared to qualify for the personal interview.
Candidates should also remember that the Prelims is just a screening test. The score in Prelims is just used for screening, i.e., to shortlist candidates for Mains, and has not been considered for the final merit list. However, candidates must score as high as possible in Mains and Personal Interviews in order to ensure provisional allotment. Thus, taking IBPS PO Mains Mock Test is a must to score higher.
Check out the maximum and minimum scores (combined scores in Online Main Examination and Interview out of 100) for CRP-PO/MT-XII from the table below:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Maximum Scores | 48.98 | 47.09 | 51.16 | 49.24 | 57.62 | 43.73 | 47.60 | 52.76 | 45.76 |
Minimum Scores | 38.02 | 36.24 | 41.38 | 41.76 | 43.47 | 24.11 | 35.73 | 37.82 | 22.80 |
Check out the minimum scores for all the categories from the below table:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | HI | OC | VI | ID |
MinimumScores | 37.67 | 35.91 | 41.09 | 41.49 | 43.13 | NA | 35.47 | 37.42 | NA |
Let’s have a look at IBPS PO Mains Qualifying Marks 2022 from the below table:
Subject | Maximum Marks | Cutoff (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cutoff (General/ EWS) |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 04.75 | 07 |
English Language | 40 | 12.25 | 15.50 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 01 | 02.25 |
General, Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 02 | 04.50 |
English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 08.75 | 10 |
Check out the section-wise qualifying score from the below table:
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability |
Maximum Score | 30 | 35 | 35 |
Cutoff Score UR/EWS | 09.75 | 08.75 | 09.25 |
Cutoff Score SC/ST/PWBD | 06.50 | 05.50 | 05.00 |
Cutoff Score OBC | 06.50 | 05.50 | 05.00 |
Access the unlimited IBPS PO Prelims mock test from Embibe and improve your preparation level. Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to take the mock test series:
The IBPS PO 2021 prelims online examination was held on December 4 and 11, 2021. The IBPS PO Prelims qualifying marks for all categories and sections have been updated here as released on the IBPS official website.
Category | Cutoff Marks |
GEN | 50.5 |
SC | 44.50 |
ST | 38 |
OBC | 50.5 |
EWS | 50.5 |
HI | 20.75 |
OC | 42 |
VI | 37 |
ID | 20.75 |
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability |
Maximum Score | 30 | 35 | 35 |
Cutoff Score UR | 10 | 9 | 10 |
Cutoff Score EWS/SC/ST/PWBD | 6.75 | 6.25 | 6.25 |
Cutoff Score OBC | 6.75 | 6.25 | 6.25 |
The IBPS PO Mains qualifying marks 2021-22 were released with the IBPS PO scorecard on the official website Candidates can use the tables below to determine the Mains qualifying score:
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | Cutoff Marks (Out of 225) |
General | 80.75 |
OBC | 75.75 |
SC | 65.5 |
ST | 57.75 |
EWS | 77.25 |
HI | 42.50 |
OC | 62.50 |
VI | 77.75 |
ID | 46 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Subject | Maximum Marks | Cutoff (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cutoff (General/ EWS) |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 4.50 | 7.25 |
English Language | 40 | 10 | 13.25 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 6.5 | 9.25 |
General, Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 1.75 | 3.75 |
English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 8.75 | 10 |
Candidates who score higher than the Mains qualifying marks will be considered for the final round of selection. Check the IBPS PO Final Cut off for the 5809 Probationary Officer positions below:
Maximum and Minimum scores (combined scores in Online Main Examination and Interview out of 100) – CRP-PO/MT-XI
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Maximum Scores | 60.30 | 49.87 | 58.04 | 52.58 | 68.76 | 52.27 | 53.04 | 43.00 | 54.09 |
Minimum Scores | 40.18 | 37.89 | 44 | 45.20 | 47 | 40.98 | 44.27 | 26 | 26.36 |
Let’s have a look at IBPS PO Qualifying score for the reserve list below:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | HI | OC | VI | ID |
Minimum Scores | 39.87 | 37.49 | 43.71 | 44.89 | 46.67 | NA | 40.58 | 44.09 | NA |
The IBPS PO Cut off is the minimum mark that must be scored in each stage of the exam to appear for the next stage of the examination. In order to be a successful IBPS Probationary Officer, an aspirant must and should have to score equal to or above the cutoff marks.
Three factors affect the IBPS PO Cutoff:
a) Total number of candidates appearing for the exam
b) Total number of vacancies
c) The difficulty level of the exam
Candidates can refer to IBPS Probationary Officer’s previous year cut off marks to have an idea about this year’s cutoff trends. This will allow them to see how high the cut off is going to be:
Check cutoffs of all stages of the IBPS PO 2020-21 exam below:
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducted the interview round in March 2021, and the Mains exam was held on February 04, 2021, for which the result was released on February 18, 2021. Check the final cutoff marks for the PO exam below:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Maximum Score | 52.20 | 52.11 | 55.82 | 52.40 | 62.98 | 53.78 | 64.16 | 42.16 | 54.31 |
Minimum Score | 39.73 | 35.56 | 43.96 | 42.98 | 47.89 | 38.84 | 45.89 | 27.20 | 28.44 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | IBPS PO Mains Cut off marks (Out of 225) |
General | 83.50 |
OBC | 78.63 |
SC | 66.38 |
ST | 52.25 |
EWS | 75.75 |
HI | 38.25 |
OC | 61.25 |
VI | 84.88 |
ID | 53.00 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Subject | Maximum Marks | Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cut Off (General/ EWS) |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 03.75 | 06.00 |
English Language | 40 | 08.50 | 11.75 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 05.75 | 08.75 |
General Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 06.25 | 09.75 |
English Language | 25 | 08.75 | 10.00 |
Along with the scorecard, the IBPS PO Prelims cut off was released. Check the cutoff category-wise in the table below:
Category | Cut off Marks |
General | 58.75 |
OBC | 58.50 |
SC | 51 |
ST | 43.5 |
EWS | 57.75 |
HI | 19.75 |
OC | 46 |
VI | 54.25 |
ID | 21.75 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability |
Cut Off ScoreEWS/UR | 11.00 | 9.25 | 6.00 |
Cut Off ScoreSC/ST/OBC/PwD | 7.50 | 8.00 | 4.25 |
Candidates can check the IBPS PO previous year cut off from the table given below:
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Maximum Scores | 47.07 | 50.80 | 50.22 | 48.98 | 60.58 | 46.38 | 53.16 | 42.33 | 42.04 |
Minimum Scores | 36.02 | 33.24 | 40.27 | 40.82 | 44.44 | 36.00 | 42.18 | 26.36 | 28.80 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | IBPS PO Mains Cutoff Marks (Out of 225) |
GENERAL | 71.25 |
EWS | 65.88 |
OBC | 70.25 |
SC | 55.63 |
ST | 38.13 |
HI | 41 |
OC | 46.13 |
VI | 70.50 |
ID | 45.88 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Section | Maximum Marks | Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cut Off (General/ EWS) |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 5.50 | 7.75 |
English Language | 40 | 10.75 | 14.25 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 2.50 | 5.25 |
General Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 5.00 | 8.00 |
English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 8.75 | 10.00 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | Cutoff Marks |
General | 59.75 |
OBC | 59.75 |
SC | 53.50 |
ST | 46.25 |
EWS | 59.75 |
HI | 21.25 |
OC | 44.50 |
VI | 52.25 |
ID | 20.75 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability | Total |
Maximum Score | 30 | 35 | 35 | 100 |
Cut Off ScoreEWS/UR | 10.50 | 8.75 | 10.25 | 59.75 |
Cut Off ScoreSC/ST/OBC/PwD | 6.50 | 5.25 | 6.50 | – |
The qualifying score was released as per different categories, sections, and stages of selection. The official cutoff was released for each stage, and candidates met the cutoff to qualify for the next stage. Check section-wise, category-wise, and stage-wise official cutoff.
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | Maximum Score | Minimum Score |
General | 63.91 | 43.87 |
OBC | 53.02 | 40.29 |
SC | 55.34 | 35.78 |
ST | 47.33 | 31.6 |
HI | 34.69 | 25.16 |
OC | 50.69 | 31.36 |
VI | 56.11 | 42.09 |
ID | 43.69 | 20.36 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | Minimum Score |
General | 43.42 |
OBC | 39.91 |
SC | 35.38 |
ST | 31.05 |
HI | NA |
OC | 30.42 |
VI | 40.71 |
ID | NA |
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | Cutoff Marks |
General | 56.75 |
OBC | 55.5 |
SC | 49.25 |
ST | 41.75 |
The IBPS PO 2018 section-wise cut off for the general category is as follows:
Sections | Cutoff Marks |
English language | 8.75 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 7.75 |
Reasoning Aptitude | 9 |
Total | 56.75 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Category | Cutoff |
General | 74.5 |
OBC | 68.38 |
SC | 56.38 |
ST | 35.75 |
HI | 42.63 |
OC | 53.25 |
VI | 66.88 |
ID | 37 |
Check table below for cut off details:
Sections | Cutoff Marks |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | General – 10.25 IBPS/ SC/ ST – 7.50 |
English Language | General – 11.25 IBPS/ SC/ ST – 7.50 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | General – 4.50 IBPS/ SC/ ST – 2.25 |
General Economy & Banking Awareness | General – 8.00 IBPS/ SC/ ST – 5.00 |
English Language (Descriptive) | General – 10.00 IBPS/ SC/ ST – 8.75 |
The category-wise and sectional cutoffs of the IBPS PO exam 2017 are given in the tables below:
The overall Cutoff for Mains 2017 for different categories is tabulated below:
Categories | Overall Mains Cutoff |
General | 82 |
SC | 62.50 |
ST | 42.25 |
OBC | 75.63 |
VH | 77.87 |
HI | 47.75 |
OC | 59.63 |
ID | 55.00 |
The sectional Cutoff for Mains 2017 are tabulated below:
Sections | Sectional Cutoff for Mains |
English Language | General Cutoff – 5.75 SC/ST/OBC Cutoff – 3.25 |
Reasoning Ability | General Cutoff – 10.25 SC/ST/OBC Cutoff – 7.50 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | General Cutoff – 14 SC/ST/OBC Cutoff – 10.75 |
General Knowledge & Banking Awareness | General Cutoff – 11.25 SC/ST/OBC Cutoff – 8.25 |
English Language (Descriptive) | General Cutoff – 10 SC/ST/OBC Cutoff – 8.75 |
Keep the following points in mind while preparing for the IBPS PO exam:
Best Books for IBPS PO Prelims 2022
You can also check –
IBPS PO Notification | IBPS PO Books |
IBPS PO Salary | IBPS PO Study Material |
IBPS PO Syllabus | IBPS PO Preparation |
IBPS PO Result | IBPS PO Previous Year Papers |
Check the most commonly asked questions about IBPS PO Cutoff 2022-23 below:
A: The cutoff marks are the minimum qualifying marks that candidates have to obtain to qualify for the next round.
A: The IBPS released the final cutoff marks for PO on April 01, 2023.
A: The minimum final cutoff score for General (UR) candidates in 2022-23 is 43.47.
A: No, for both Prelims and Mains, clearing both sectional and overall IBPS PO cutoff is a must to appear for the next stage.
A: No, clearing the IBPS PO cutoff means candidates can appear for the next stage of the recruitment process. To ensure provisional allotment, they must score high and be at the top of the final merit list.
For any clarification regarding IBPS PO 2024-25, you can reach us or simply follow Embibe. All the best!